Digital Marketing has created a great impact in the marketing world, as internet penetration has increased massively.  

With the consistent rise in internet users, it becomes the preferred platform for marketers to promote their business, built brand awareness and generate great revenue for a business.

People are spending more and more time over the internet.

From entertainment to accessing information, people are using the internet. Moreover, people are now preferring the internet to buy things or to make a purchase decision.

Consequently, businesses are spending a huge amount of their budget on Digital Marketing. They finding digital mediums cost-effective, measurable and target oriented.

Digital marketing now starts taking over conventional marketing Speedily, or you can say that it’s the future of the Marketing world.

The domain has huge potential and will continue to grow in adoption by brands and organizations.

Now let’s take a look at the reasons why Future of Digital Marketing is Bright in India:

1# Change in Marketing Ways

Previously organizations have to spend a huge amount of their budget on physical manpower to promote their products or services.

But now the time has changed and people are becoming digital. Now organizations don’t have to spend their money over this.

They can now utilize digital domains to promote their product and services. There is nothing that you can’t find over the Internet.

The digitalization of businesses has changed the game completely. Now with a single click, you can order anything online.

The conventional marketing has witnessed a drastic change. And digital marketing has taken over traditional marketing completely.

2# Change in Preferences

People now prefer digital marketing over everything else. Even startups are now able to boost their business through Digital marketing.

The domain simplifies the branding and marketing process of every business. Now the organization doesn’t need to employ people to market their product and services by going physically into the market.

The field offers numerous cost-effective, influential and modern methods and mediums of marketing.

Every business whether small or big is now opting digital marketing as they have realized the benefits and efficiency of digital platforms.

From real estate businesses to education sectors everyone is now utilizing digital platforms. They are reaching a larger bunch of audience through digital marketing platforms.

However, digital marketing is not about informing users directly about the services or products. But instead, create some engaging content and images to draw the attention of users.

Such types of activities are working a lot in digital marketing these days.

3# The “Digital India” initiative

The government of India has initiated the Digital India programme to transform India into a digitally empowered country and knowledge economy.

Now, the career and job opportunities are not only limited to the metro cities but in small towns and villages as well. The government has launched new digital employment programs for job seekers.  

Everything is getting digital. Digital marketing has transformed every sector. The Indian government is now coming up with several new projects under the Digital India scheme for the youngsters in India.

Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has announced that by the year 2020 there will be more than 20 Lakhs job opportunities available to students.

Furthermore, during the Digital India launch week, many businesses have joined hands with the Indian government to make e-India a reality.

4# Global Reachability

Being Digital is Being Global. And it’s the reality.

Now with the social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, Organizations can reach out to the audience globally.

Through digital platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, one can reach to the audience of any corner of the world. The reachability of digital platforms is so huge that it can connect you with almost everyone.

Now Indian businesses have started targeting global customers. Digital media made everything possible. Even foreign organizations prefer Indian businesses for outsourcing their projects.

In short, Digital Marketing has changed the Indian market totally.

5# The rise in Digital marketing courses in India

Many institutions are nowadays introducing digital marketing courses that have a practical approach.

Due to the increasing demand for digital marketers, aspirants are looking for the best source to learn digital marketing.

And this encourages several institutions to come up with professional training programs in digital marketing.

6# Higher engagement rate

The engagement rate of social media platforms is really high, as people are spending more and more time on social media platforms.

People prefer quality content for updating their knowledge and getting entertained. So, it’s become the responsibility of the digital marketers to present quality content to their audience for entertainment and knowledge purpose.

For example, a food delivery business shares colorful and creative images of food on social media pages and platforms to engage their audience.

So in short, if you are creative enough to engage your audience, you will get great success on digital platforms.

The scope of digital marketing is huge. It will stay as the most powerful weapon to market product and services in the future.

However, the field is changing and updating with new technologies every day. You need to stay alert, smart and adaptive to the emerging trends.

Author's Bio: 

Manju Rai:

Digital Marketer and an SEO strategist with a complete mix of creative and marketing skills.

A new age online marketer with more than 3.5 years of experience and presently working with Digiperform- India’s Leading Digital Marketing Training Company; the first organization to be awarded as ‘Asia’s Most Trusted Brand in Digital Education’ by WCRC (World Consulting and Research Corporation).