Twitter has changed the way your profile works. You can share videos from a video hosting site URL such as YouTube and when you paste the URL in your Twitter status box, it will play in the new sidebar area that they have created. In the past, the follower had to click on the URL in the tweet and be sent to YouTube to watch the video. Because of Facebook, people are now used to watching videos right in their home page or other profiles without leaving the site. Following suit, Twitter has created a similar experience for their users.

Facebook is the easiest social site to share videos on. This helps you as an artist to show a ton of marketing perspectives when it comes to your business. You can share tutorial videos, art show testimonials, demonstrations and gallery style videos or showcases. YouTube helps your video go viral by the ability to add an unlimited number of friends and subscribers. Each new video that you upload to YouTube notifies each friend and subscriber so they can watch it. You can share videos as well by emailing your friends 'recommended' videos of your choosing.

Video sharing is not only important for getting views from your friends, family and followers, it helps you get new customers from search engine results. If you carefully craft the keywords in the titles and descriptions in videos to search engine specs, you will get higher search results and attract new customers to your business. Video are not only getting easier to shoot, edit and upload, they are getting easier to share with the world. Video gives your business it's own television channel where you are the star!

How can you sell more of your artwork online and make bigger sales?

Discover the number one resource that artists all over the world have been using to excite their customers, create cash flow and get more of their art in front of the eyes of thousands of prospects. Learn to expand your art and craft business beyond the shows with a trusted, online presence.

Alka Dalal is an experienced internet marketer and fine artist that has been speaking to audiences for over 25 years about ways to increase their businesses.

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Author's Bio: 

Alka Dalal, MA. , MS., (New York University and Rutgers University) with 25 years of corporate experience, founded i-Speak Consulting to enable individuals to take a pro-active approach in being effective at Internet Marketing and be very successful. She migrated from India to the U.S. and began building her dreams. Today, she is living her dreams and has enjoyed success with different careers, family life and business. She is thrilled to share the stories of her struggles and triumphs in spite of adversities with others, to help them build their dreams and succeed in their own ways while creating everlasting fruitful relationships. She draws upon her vast experience to provide valuable tips on how to succeed in today’s economy using great tool called Internet Marketing.

LEADERSHIP: Alka has taken leadership roles in every phase of her life––as a project manager, a division governor in Toastmasters and trainer in for-profit and non-profit companies such as AT&T, and as an independent consultant. She recently was on a convention board for a great convention with 6000 people and currently also on convention board in LA area.

COMMUNICATION: Alka is equally at home as a public speaker in front of large audiences or in one-on-one consultations. She is renowned for her ability to get to the heart of the matter, develop a course of action and inspire high-level performance. She energizes audiences and motivates people of all backgrounds to work and produce results under any circumstances.

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