Are there any major websites that you like to frequent with education or materials or even artwork? I wonder if they have a big list of subscribers? If they are signing people up to a free giveaway or a newsletter, chances are that they could have thousands of people on their mailing list. Imagine if you could advertise to that website's mailing list with a promotion of your own be it a website launch, a new book or training video, your artwork or even personal coaching. And you sold those products to that big list and gave the website owner commissions on each sale. This is called a joint venture and it can make you a lot of money.Big websites often build a big mailing list so they can sell things and make money from that list of subscribers. But that doesn't stop you from contacting the website owner and setting up a joint venture. They will happily sell your stuff to their list if it doesn't directly compete with any of their products or training... because it means a big commission for them! You do all of the work, but they get a percentage. Don't be fooled, you can make a huge profit too because they have done all the work collecting those email addresses over the years. It's a win/win for all involved. next time you see a website that you wish your products were on, think about contacting the website owners. Let them know you are interested in a joint venture and you could be on your way to big riches.

Author's Bio: 

Alka Dalal, MA. , MS., (NYU and Rutgers University) with many years of corporate experience, founded i-Speak Consulting to enable individuals to take a pro-active approach in being effective communicators in the workplace. She has enjoyed success with different careers, family life and business. She is thrilled to share the stories of her struggles and triumphs in spite of adversities with others, to help them build their dreams and succeed in their own ways and finding their own creativity.She draws upon her vast experience to provide valuable tips on how to succeed in today’s economy using great tool called Internet Marketing.