There are many holy places of different religions which are highly respected by the followers of that religion . But undoubtedly the Holy Kaaba is considered as the most respected place in this world as each year millions of Muslims travel all the way from their relative places to visit Kaaba shareef.

Muslims keep the picture of Kaaba in their homes to show their love. Everyday thousands of pilgrims visit it and feel the most spiritual sensation ever. Yet there are only a few things which people know about this sacred place. It has been constructed many times and the Kaaba you see today is not exactly the original constructed one, in fact it has been built quite a few times. The original Kaaba was constructed by Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Ismail ( peace and blessings be upon him). Due to many natural disasters, it has beenrebuilding again. The major reconstruction was done in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)and almost everyone knows this fact. The last reconstruction was done in 1996 and the Kaaba is quite secure now.

The Kaaba is surrounded by Kiswah, a black cloth and gold banding all the time and we are used to watching the Kaaba like this. But when it was originally made, it was obviously not covered by Kiswah. There used to be a time when Kaaba was open for the Muslims twice a week so that they could come and pray inside it. But due to the increase in rate of pilgrims all around the year and because of many security reasons, Kaaba is now only open for the VIP guests twice a year.

The history of Kaaba is not mere an interesting Islamic story from our past. In fact, Kaaba is a source of dignity and peace. It is the ultimate symbol of Islam that creates a strong bonding among all the Muslims when they travel from different places and connect at a single place. Especially those having access to the best Ramadan Umrah Packages for Muslims Community Birmingham, Engalnd always love to visit the most Divine place of the religion Islam.

If we have a keen interest in looking for all the great hidden symbols that Allah has sent to us, then we will be able to find those amazing hidden symbols in this sacred place Kaaba. There are so many things that we can learn from our past by visiting such historic places and by reviving those amazing stories connected with our past. Since we as a Muslim, are getting so much disconnected from our own Muslim community that there is no better thing than being united at this Holy place. Kaaba always remind us about our Islamic legacy and the great sacrifices and promises we had made to succeed as a nation. It is an ultimate medium of unity and peace which we as Muslims highly need and appreciate.

Author's Bio: 

Especially those having access to the best Ramadan Umrah Packages for Muslims Community Birmingham, Engalnd always love to visit the most Divine place of the religion Islam.