January 2012
This article is written for and presented to all of those people who are either: living in fear of what might happen in 2012 or are confused about the meaning and upcoming 2012 end-times date.
After not too much inquiry and research into the meaning and prophesies of 2012, I’ve come to realize what the famous - 21 December 2012 - date really means. And based upon the meaning that’s been understood, I’m now able to make some predictions of things that are most likely to occur within the year of 2012, and thus I’m sharing those ideas with you here.
Once you remember that everything is fundamentally energy, and that we exist in a quantum sea of unlimited potential; you’ll realize that once someone knows how to look at that energy potential and read it, prophesies and predictions can be made fairly easily.
Always remember that because energy is always changing, so are the energy potentials. This means that any prophesy and any prediction can only be as accurate as the energy readings at the time the reading was taken.
Simply knowing where we're heading energetically, both individually and collectively as a species, gives us the option and the opportunity to change direction. Free will dictates that pre-destiny and fate are 100% within your control, providing that you know they are.
So based upon the Mayan (and others) end-times date of 21 December 2012, what this means is that for the first time since before those predictions were made, the balance of energy on earth will be slightly more positive than negative.
This does not mean that positive change will occur overnight and we’ll all wake up on 22 December 2012 in a world transformed into heaven on earth. However, it does mean that great change on the planet will become more evident as we approach and move beyond that date and eventually the paradise of heaven on earth will be realized :)
That being said, my prediction for 2012 is that we’ll start to see an end to much of the manipulation and control that’s currently rife throughout the world. Once you’ve remembered and thus, you realize that thought always precedes external manifestation ; you’ll know that the collective consciousness of earth has already decided to move in a positive post-2012 direction.
Evidence of this can already be seen in many areas of the world. The people have spoken and we will no longer tolerate the utter insanity of war and strife that is being perpetuated by our so-called leaders.
The controlling minority of people (so-called elites, bankers and politicians etcetera), no longer represent the mass collective thoughts and will of humanity and quite simply, the old guard must go; that decision has already been made collectively.
Here is a link to do with electronic vote rigging in USA . This is just one of the many manipulation tactics employed by the controllers. It’s beyond the scope of this article to reveal the controllers other methods.
So yes, in 2012 we will start to see many arrests and imprisonment of the perpetrators of artificial lack, through manipulation of both political and financial systems, and war mongering. However, it’s important to keep things in perspective when targeting and blaming the old guard. Always remember that our leaders always represent the mass collective will of the people. If they did not they would not be our leaders, it’s that simple.
On a deeper level, without the contrast created by the negativity of leaders, how could we know that things like corruption, greed and manipulation are not what we really want? Without dark could we know light? Without war would we know peace ? Remember that ultimately, this is a game that we’re playing and collectively, we’re all in it together.
However, the time of the old cronies is now over and the fact that I’m writing this article is further proof that the old guard is doomed, unless they change their minds.
Personally I opted out of the control game many years ago, once I realized that each of us creates our own version of reality, within a general collective idea. I took my power back. Now people are concerned and they’re asking what’s happening. When you ask it is always given.
Therefore, to all conspiracy theory/fact proponents and to anyone else who is playing the blame game: please understand that we are not changing the old corrupt system, that’s not what this is about! In order for the old, corrupt, unsatisfactory systems to fall away, we must create new systems to replace the outdated ones; that is clear.
And once the new systems that are currently being created are in place, the old cronies will have the proverbial rug pulled from beneath their feet and their ill-gotten gains will be worthless in the new, fair, value-based economy.
You can’t quite believe it, can you?
Know that if you insist on blaming and judging others, you are also generating negative energy within your being and thus negativity, in some form, will be returned to you. What you put out is what you get back; that’s simply the physics and the nature of reality.
Most people live their life by default. They do not deliberately create the life experience of their own preference, but rather, they choose to be manipulated by controlled news generated by television (aka the mass mind control box.)
This sleepwalking reality has allowed, relatively very few, negatively focused people to manipulate and control the masses of the world’s population; without people even realizing they’re being controlled.
The Solar Plexus Chakra holds the energy
of personal growth
and transformation
However, it is estimated that only one half of one percent of the world’s population needs to wake up in order to change the direction of the planet. At that point the balance will shift from more negative to more positive energy and focus – that’s the energy potential of 2012 that was seen by the ancients and thus the meaning derived from the ancient prophesies and predictions.
Once one half of one percent (35,000,000) or fewer people are positively focused and are no longer buying into the agendas broadcast by the controlled media; positive change will be inevitable. That’s only 10% of the population of the USA.
And for those who still believe what’s on television and other news – no problem – the awakened positively focused collective of people will simply change the television programming in a positive way and eventually everyone else will wake up too :)
With the BP Gulf oil disaster and the Japanese nuclear disaster we’ve now seen the evidence and proved beyond doubt that these dirty technologies are unsafe in every way and therefore, are unsustainable for our future.
In 2012 and the years following, we’ll begin to see the un-harassed development and release of amazing technology, including free energy and that alone will herald the beginning of prosperity and the end of suffering for so many.
And you may ask about natural disasters? Realize that water is the best cleansing agent. What better way for Mother Earth to clean out all of the negative energy on the planet than through the use of water and lots of it. So yes, there will continue to be adverse weather conditions around the world, until the necessary planetary balance of energy has been achieved.
No, it’s not a punishment of any kind. When your Mother constantly repeats her messages and you fail to heed Her warnings and take appropriate action, where does response-ability lie? And if you are so caught up in your perpetual internal dialogue, brought about by your negative ego and your Mother says: don’t live on the side of an, allegedly inactive, volcano, but you’re lost in your mind and too busy to listen to Her, is that failure on your Mother’s part?
I could go on... and on... but I think you get the gist of what I’m saying – the future is bright and knowing that means that the present must also be bright and good, all good!
Peace , Love and Understanding, Now and Forever,
Eddie Corbyn (Samui Island, Thailand)
If what you just read resonates with you and you’d like more information, please visit Eddie’s inspired self help website: http://www.inspired-self-help-shortcuts.com/self-help-websites.html for more in depth info. Or contact Eddie directly at: inspired.contact@gmail.com