Chance Welton's  life journey is that of rags to riches. He is an entrepreneur, investor, and growth hacker who picked up a healthy work ethic from his father.  Chance  was raised on a potato farm in Idaho and learned early on that nothing worthwhile comes easy. But, again, life taught him some hard lessons while growing up, and he became determined to provide for himself and those he loved, a life that he could previously only dream of. 


Chance is the owner and CEO of Beachwood Marketing (a seven-figure online marketing platform) and the co-founder of The  Modern Millionaires . It is the only all-encompassing digital business program that has taught thousands of students how to build a digital business from scratch. Chance partnered with Abdul Farooqi to establish Modern Millionaires. The story has taken a different turn from what it used to be, as Chance wasn't financially buoyant in their early years of contact. However, they both knew we were destined for way more prominent things.

Abdul stated, "When we met, we'd both just arrived in the online space and successfully started our agencies (only back then, there were no funnels and software made for us, we did it all. So when we decided to create MM, we felt a deep calling to help others transform their lives as we did with ours. We knew it was possible, and even more so, we could do it better than anyone out there because we care."

Modern Millionaires is suitable for anyone stuck in a draining and time-consuming job, wishing to have more convertible time and to pursue their passion , and more; it was aimed at helping anyone who finds it almost impossible to save money and build wealth. In addition, we decided to extend the scope of our business coverage to accommodate anyone who had attempted to build an online business before and failed; or those who feel unfulfilled and lost because they discern they were meant to do something bigger, ready to make a real commitment and change their life.

Chance has been written up in publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur for his innovative mindset, determination, and ability to build everything out of nothing. Some of his most notable career highlights include receiving a 50,000,000 ClickFunnels Award and gaining recognition as the most profitable YouTube Channel in 2020. Additionally, the self-made entrepreneur believes his success is rooted in his approach to life and business - by staying centered, putting the essential pieces first, and constantly waking up before sunrise.

Chance reveals the tough times he faced at the beginning of his successful career, "I didn't have any clients or experience in my new online business back in 2014. Conversely, I worked with clients for a free or discounted rate to build my portfolio and positive reviews, then scaled my business to $10,000 per month in 90 days."

Seeing people change their mindset and financial situation in a matter of weeks and the evident progress that's achievable in a short time compared to their entire life inspires the Modern Millionaire co-founder. He added, "I can help people take advantage of a fool-proof business strategy. I can walk them through the four different successful online platforms we have and how they can make their first $10,000 per month online." 

The powerful duo hopes Modern Millionaires will have a Billion Dollar Evaluation and be the world's most significant educational impact company in five years.

Author's Bio: 

A Passionate Blogger and Content Creator.