I am a Reiki Master. When I do Reiki , I become a channel for Universal Energy which flows through me into the recipient. I received training on the way to connect to the Reiki energy. This training is called an attunement and is a sacred ceremony. Attuned may sound like a strange word to you. Yet we all change the channels on our TV by using a tuner. When we change the channel, we tune into a specific frequency. Being trained in Reiki allows me to tune into the specific frequency we call Reiki Energy.

Many people do hands-on healing spontaneously. If your child falls down, you will put your hand on the child’s scraped knee to make it feel better. If you smash your finger with a hammer and you will probably hold the finger to make it feel better. When you do these activities, you are actually doing hands-on healing. This is very similar giving a Reiki treatment.

The difference between you holding your finger after you hit it with a hammer and me doing Reiki on that finger is I know how to access the Reiki energy. When I do this, I am sending unconditional love to you. As you receive the treatment, you body is able to heal itself. This is the mystical part of Reiki. I don’t do anything other than act as a channel. You accept the energy and the healing takes place.

Author's Bio: 

My purpose for this web site is to share what I have learned with you. I am sharing what has worked for me. As you explore these pages, hopefully you will find what you need. You may start to remember some of your own internal wisdom. And as you remember and practice this wisdom, your life will improve.

This is the Secret of Self Healing. http://www.thesecretofselfhealing.com/

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