As we age testosterone levels start to decrease and this may have an effect on several aspects of your life especially if you strive to maintain or gain muscle mass by following an active lifestyle. Low sex drive, depression and muscle loss can all be symptoms of lowering testosterone levels.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the development of the male external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics. It's produced by the testicles and is important for maintaining muscle bulk, bone density, and red blood cells. Adequate testosterone also supports sexual and reproductive function and contributes to a man's sense of vitality and well-being.

Declining levels

As men age, their bodies gradually produces less testosterone. This natural decline starts around age 30, then continues throughout the rest of a man's life. This decline in testosterone occurs gradually and can result in an increased risk of life-threatening illnesses such as obesity , diabetes, and heart disease .

What actions can we take to slow down this decline as we get older?

1 Weight Training

Physically inactive males tend to have reduced levels of testosterone, as the body doesn't need it as much. Weightlifting can stimulate testosterone production, basic compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, bench press, military press can have a positive effect.

2 Eating the right foods

Healthy FatsTestosterone is made from fats. Eat normal butter, whole eggs, grass fed steak/beef with the fat on, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, and oily fish.

I use a blend of healthy oils called Udo's choice a carefully researched blend of Omega 3/6/9 in perfect ratios.

Carbs and ProteinsNeeded to help promote testosterone levels, too many simple sugars may effect testosterone levels higher glycaemic carbs such as rice, oatmeal sweet potato could be more beneficial. Good protein sources would be whole eggs (cholesterol produces testosterone) lean chicken, fish, steak etc.

Green VegetablesEat lots of green vegetables - this removes any excess estrogen. Estrogen lowers testosterone, so anything which lowers that will help.

Nuts and beans.
Rich in D-aspartic acid, which promotes the production of testosterone. Try adding more almonds, eggs, soybeans, lentils, and salmon to your diet .

GarlicAnimal studies show that garlic increases testicular testosterone, it contains Alicin and has also been shown to decrease cortisol - the stress hormone.

Coffee.The caffeine in coffee increases testosterone, but be aware of it preventing sleep if taken too late in the day

3 Cutting down

Reduce your intake of alcohol, processed foods and sugar - these all lower your testosterone.

4 Reduce your body fat levels

Body fat produces estrogen which ultimately lowers your testosterone levels.

5 Decrease StressReduce your stress -this dramatically reduces your testosterone. Have time to chill out and relax during your day.

6 Take supplements

There are several natural supplements out there that may help with testosterone levels:

Zinc has been shown to increase testosterone levels and be effective with Magnesium and B6 known as ZMA. I take this every night and find it also promotes deeper sleep. I have an earlier blog article on the advantages of ZMA supplementation.

Vitamin C, this helps maintain your testosterone levels.

Vitamin D (also supplied by sunlight)

I take Tribulus-pro morning and night and think I felt strength and vitality increases with this although many say it has limited benefit - try it for yourself but I think it works!

D-Aspartic Acid Has had a lot of positive publicity lately, D-Aspartic Acid is produced naturally in the body from the non-essential amino acid L-Aspartic Acid. Within the human body it is found in high concentrations in areas where hormone production takes place. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the testes therefore, all have high concentrations of D-Aspartic Acid.

8 Get enough sleep

Sleep has a lerge effect on testosterone levels and poor sleep with reduce levels. Drinking too much liquid or tasking caffeine too late in the day can have an effect on sleep as can stress.

As we age there are many things we can to elevate testosterone levels naturally promote vitality and a longer healthier life, hopefully some of these can be included in your lifestyle.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Kenny McDowell - 55 years young ! I was fat not so long ago and have in just 2 years transformed my physique from what it was losing 60 lbs on the way to become a champion fitness model. To find out how I did it and see if you can do the same - just visit My Story page.