People face the lack of self-confidence in many different ways. Some people just have an enormous fear of something which they are unable to control. Still other people have such a very low self-esteem that they feel that they are unable to do the simplest things by themselves. They always feel the necessity to have someone else to do everything for them.

Your environment, and the way you were brought up, is going to have an enormous influence on how confident you are going to be in life. Anyone that says that they are 'their own person' is not altogether being honest with themselves. The thing is that you respond to the world around you in accordance to the belief you have in yourself.

Self-belief is acquired by the attainment of wisdom . This wisdom is called, Mindfulness: this is the art of being able to be in the moment without passing judgement on the experience. Even though the idea is simple, putting it into action requires a lot of self-discipline. You need to concentrate your awareness on the moment you are experiencing. Prevent passing judgment or applying any subjective thoughts, or feelings. More often than not being more confident involves re evaluating an unproductive negative thought. Is it possible to put an another meaning in the place of an illogical negative thought?

For instance just say someone treats you in a nice way. You may think that the person is deceitful or is trying to dupe you because you are not very lovable. By taking a more balanced attitude , it is possible to control your physical and mental reactions. Negative thinking produces negative behaviours. If you are the kind of person that is always in the habit of thinking miserable thoughts about everything in the world then you will undoubtedly come across in your behaviour as a person to be avoided at all cost.

So are you the type of person that always thinks in a negative way or in a positive way? Ask your self the following questions to find out:

  • "Am I in the habit of seeing things as impossible challenges instead of seeing opportunities?"
  • "Do I look at meeting new people with apprehension and fear instead of enjoyment and confidence?"

When you ponder on these kind of questions you are looking into the depth of your inner being. Your confidence issues are connected to these very significant questions.

If you want to increase your self-confidence you must first deal with, and become aware of the overpowering feelings you come across to behave in a negative way. Through awareness of yourself you understand yourself. The good thing about self-awareness is that it is an enormous help in showing what you are capable of achieving in life. Having self-awareness is about having the ability for personal growth and development; the skill to master your surroundings to the best of your capabilities. Good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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