There are different rules for different places, and most of the etiquette we employ to civilize our lives is predicated on the notion that our rules should be tailored for the situation. Just as you wouldn't dress in formal wear for a casual get together, neither should you use the kinds of conversation methods you normally use in everyday life when in the board room or with business clients.

Professionalism usually requires a conscious effort to always put a proper foot forward, and use a more formal method of speech and demeanor when in conversation. Here are a few conversation tips for you to keep in mind in your professional life.

SLANGUsing slang, or any other types of "loose" and informal language must be avoided at all costs. Nothing underscores an unprofessional mindset more than sloppy word choice or "popular" phraseology ("ya'll", "see chu later", "whad up?") that more often than not separates you from your coworkers or clients rather than brings you together with them. Such language most often hinders any kind of professional communication and, frankly, makes you sound like an uneducated simpleton. Save that kind of language for your own time with your friends, and you'll be fine.

HUMORTry to keep a good watch on the types of humor you use when communicating with coworkers and clients. Always try to keep it clean, and leave the crude remarks for social situations (if you must use them at all). Remember, these are the people that you are trying to incorporate into your network to improve your professional life. Treat them with the proper respect for that. Try your best to keep your humor clean and appropriate for mixed company. If you wouldn't say it to a priest or your mother, keep it out of the board room.

This conversation tip will make you powerful in business meetings. You can also make someone fall in love with you using this secret technique. It is vitally important to carry yourself with a "put together" physical presence that appears tidy, straight and serious. Avoid slumping, slouching, strutting or any other kind of loose or sloppy stance or walk. Stand straight, sit straight, maintain eye contact as best as you can and remember that clients and coworkers see you long before they will ever have a chance to judge you by your words and ideas.

It is crucial to effectively communicate in professional environments with balance, where equal parts of seriousness and relaxed expressions of personality are necessary. While it is very important to be serious, you must try not to go too far and become stiff, stodgy and dull.

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