You can throw perfume, or you can throw manure. No matter your choice, whatever you throw at someone else, remains stuck on you first!
Realize, you are who you associate with. Real Eyes, will see you can only give away what you already have. Real lies, will whisper in your ear if, "I just give it one more good try, this time things will be different."
Pick your friends, family , and business associates wisely. They are throwing perfume or manure at you, equally as often as you throw one or the other at them.
This is good news. Why? Because if you want to be more happy, peaceful, or achieve any new goal, you will attain the result more quickly if you surround yourself with people who already have what you are seeking.
Like any new language you want to master fluently, you have to practice it regularly to make it your own. Surrounding yourself in transformation is like throwing the fragrance on yourself, the pleasant fragrance you want to magnify.
Lets take an example.
Identify what it is you want to achieve. Now write the desire down on three separate pieces of paper.
Tape the first note on something you will listen to which will teach you about how to achieve this goal. It could be a download you will listen to when you are exercising, a cd you will listen to as you are driving to and from work, or a disk you can play in the background while you are paying bills or catching up on your email's. No shame in multi-tasking here!
The next note will go on something you will watch, which will educate you on achieving your goal. Perhaps a television show, a seminar on your computer, or DVD you will rent from a master in your topic of choice. This shouldn't take more than one hour to complete. You want the task to be enjoyable, not exhaustive.
Last, but not least, place the third note on your bathroom mirror where you will see it every morning and evening as you brush your teeth. This message will remind you to associate with people who have what you want. Looking at them, will help you see yourself more clearly. If you don't already have a friend who has what you want, think of new places where you can meet these types of people, and go there. Your library, gym, woman's advocate center, adult education class, the opportunities are endless. We all need more good mentors at every age.
When you surround yourself in the visual, auditory, and physical presence of the transformation you are trying to achieve, you will automatically without much effort, become those things you are focusing upon.
Change is not difficult, all laws of nature indicate change is inevitable. Night and day, rain and sunshine, winter and summer. Everything is changing. Just check how many candles you have lit on your birthday cake to easily validate that!
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Deb Scott is the author of the new motivational book, "The Sky Is Green and The Grass Is Blue - turning your upside down world right side up!" The lessons and insights that Deb shares with readers is a measure of her true understanding and commitment in helping others learn how to be happy. Deb is a true inspiration as she uses her methods on forgiveness in overcoming life's trials and tribulations. Now you can too.
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