Hypnotherapy is a science introduced first by the Scottish surgeon James Braid in 1841.He was considered by the many the father of hypnotherapy. He described in his early writings in elaborate manner how hypnotherapy can help during many illnesses mainly through suggestions.
Although the common impression that hypnosis can only be achieved through induction of sleep .Braid has proved that suggestion can be be accomplished equally without formal induction.

The origin of the word comes from Greek language, Hypnos means sleep.
It is now believed that obesity is a complex medical problem, there are many issues involved, sometimes physical , sometimes psychological. Diseases like underactive thyroid gland, Cushing syndrome are known to be associated with excess weight through deranged hormones. Hypnotherapy has limited effect on these conditions; they need to be treated by treating the underlying condition.
It is well known fact that many psychological problems e.g. depression can be associated with over eating and changes in eating habits. Anxiety in some people can also be associated with excess eating and eventually development of state of food addiction . It would be used by many as way of escapism from our stressful live effents.It is well described that many students put on weight during stressful examination periods.

The place of hypnotherapy comes when an individual has tried and tried many diet formals but without luck. It is in such condition when a person has reached critical period where self-confidence has reached its lowest point, here and only here hypnotherapy might prove to be the method to try.

Hypnotherapy has a long track of success in the management of many protracted problems ranging from chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, overcoming grief and insomnia. There are many success stories in the management of morbid obesity .

The key as Braid said more than a century ago is suggestion. The key is unlocking all inner conflicts in our subconscious, bringing them to surface, let us deal with them in day light rather than avoiding them and letting them flourish and harm our psychological health. It is described by many that hypnosis can induce a state of relaxation and positivity towards life. Once the individual regain their inner calmness, he or she can deal with their body in completely different manner.

However,there are occasions where hypnotherapy does not work.There are many studies which addressed this.They found that some people don’t respond and never benefit from hypnotherapy.They concluded that most important reason is , weight loss for some is not number one problem. Though they want to lose weight, they don’t really believe that hypnosis is the way to achieve that . Simply they are trying hypnosis because it is on their list of choices. May be they don’t have firm believe in the method. Also, there may be other compounding issues in their mental health which are not being addressed yet. May be their weight is only a manifestation of organic disease like the ones we mentioned earlier. All these reasons and others are obstacles which need to be overcome first before full success can be achieved.

Dr ALI NAKASH www.passwin.org

Author's Bio: 

I am a doctor specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology.Has 13 publications in a variety of medical journals the latest one was in 2011 in the journal of obstetric and gynaecology about the use of embolization in the management of postpartum bleeding.I am also frequent peer reviewer in multiple of medical journals.