Traveling always presents an interesting challenge when it comes to staying on track with your smart choices. You are away from home and that means more than likely you are out of your routine. These two factors can easily translate into poor decision making, especially when it comes to what we put into our mouths. It is very easy to be hypnotized by the yummy delicacies offered at a particular destination spot.

That being said, here are three tips to help you make smart choices while on vacation.

Tip #1: Have a Conversation with Yourself: First you need to have a conversation with yourself regarding your intentions with your eating while you are away. This conversation needs to take place before you leave so that you don't get swept up in all of the excitement and decide the heck with it due to the fact that you're on vacation.

This conversation helps to make and strengthen the connection of your intentions with your actions once you arrive at your destination. My conversation with myself went something like this:

"I intend to make smart choices and maintain my five meals a day while I am away. I will reserve my cheat meal for Friday evening but I may allow for a glass of wine with dinner on my non-cheat night and maybe a small bite of the kids' dessert. We are on vacation after all!"

Tip #2: Make a Game Plan: In order to succeed at making smart choices, you must have a game plan. You need to know when, what, and where your next meal is coming from.

Knowing that you will maintain your five clean meals a day and what they will consist of will help you to plan ahead. You will most likely need to do some scouting for restaurants with appropriate menu options and then you will be all set. There is always a way to make a smart choice.

On our recent get away, I knew my best bet for breakfast was going to be either plain oatmeal sweetened with splenda or a veggie omelet made with egg substitute and a slice of whole-grain toast. Fresh fruit would go great with either! Lunch would be easy - grilled chicken salad with low- fat or fat-free dressing (on the side) if possible accompanied by a slice of whole-grain toast or a small sweet potato if available. For dinner, the usual - some form of lean protein and veggies unless of course it was my cheat night! As for my mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks - I brought them with me from home, which brings me to my final tip!

Tip #3: Stock a Go-Bag: Whenever we go away from home, I always pack drinks and snacks for the kids. Now I take care of myself in the same way. The key to staying on track is to always be prepared. I find it easiest to pack protein bars, ready-to-drink protein shakes, and the always-reliable green apples. This way, I am never empty handed when snack time rolls around!

Making the conscious decision to keep up with your smart choices while away on vacation will make it that much easier to get back on track with your routine once you arrive home! Plus, you won't have any extra pounds to burn off that week at the gym!

Health & Success,


Author's Bio: 

Alison M. Fadoul is "America's #1 Mom Motivator," and the author of the forthcoming book The Hot Mommy Next Door: A Quick, Easy, and Effective Way to Drop Your Baby Weight and Achieve Your Personal Best After Pregnancy. Alison is a certified Spinning® instructor and founder of the Hot Mommy Next Door, a web source and consulting service for mothers of newborns and young children who want to drop their unwanted, leftover baby weight. Sign up now for her free weekly Ezine, "Tips from the Hot Mommy Next Door," at and receive these two "free" gifts: the Hot Mommy Next Door shopping list and an audio program featuring an interview with Alison. To inquire about Alison's availability and fees, please contact her via or call 954/304-5481.