Everyone does it, including you. You have things to do, important things or unimportant things, and you delay doing them until the last minute. If Procrastination were an Olympic event you might have won a gold medal, you’re that good at it. You make jokes about being a world class procrastinator with your friends, telling them that sure, you could finish that project right now if you wanted to but (yawn) you’re just going to do it tomorrow.

Procrastination is putting something off until later, either due to carelessness or habitual laziness. It’s putting off till tomorrow what you just as easily could have done today. A procrastinator needlessly postpones accomplishing something. Students are well-known for engaging in this behavior .

Papers need to be researched and written, tests must be prepared for. However none of this is done or even started until the very last minute. Students who procrastinate generally spend a great deal of time pulling all –nighters in order to catch up to where they need to be or to cram for the big test in the morning.

A person who is habitually late to everything, from weddings to dates, is someone who procrastinates getting ready to leave. Sometimes they don’t start getting ready until it’s nearly time to leave or they move so slowly that by the time they should leave for the event, they’re still way behind schedule.

Why do we let things go on until we’re in a time crunch and the deadline is looming and we’re not even CLOSE to being finished? Why do we procrastinate?

We all seem to know the symptoms of procrastination, and that we engage in. So why don’t we stop it?

I know lots of people who tried many different strategies, yet still find themselves procrastinating.

That is because some strategies don’t really address the root cause, but rather the symptoms. Before you can come up with a strategy that is effective you need to identify ? figure out ? isolate, the root cause of procrastination.

I too have been a procrastinator for most of my life and tried many different strategies, most of which were complicated and took a long time to work. I finally was able to overcome procrastination when I investigated the root causes of procrastination and came up with not just one, but half a dozen strategies that tackle the problem at its root.

The result is a program that will help almost anyone. It is:

- Easy to follow
- Easy to apply- Requires little time
- Gives fast results

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So if you have tried to overcome procrastination… maybe with other programs and you still cannot kick this habit, then click here and find out more about this revolutionary program.