You work hard all day and need to come home to an oasis of peace and tranquility. When you pull up in your driveway the first thing you want to see is a beautiful Grass lawn even if opening the front door is utter chaos.

The first step to creating a perfect garden is the lawn. If you choose the wrong Grass you will risk having all your hard work of building the perfect garden go to waste. Those pretty annuals will not look so pretty next to a weed infested desert of brown dead grass. A beautiful lawn is a pleasure and does not have to be difficult to maintain. With a little knowledge you will be on the way to choosing the right grass for you.

The first thing you need to understand is climate. Do you reside in a dry dusty area? For dry areas you may want to consider Sir Walter Buffalo. Sir Walter Raleigh is considered to be drought resistant and low maintenance. It tolerates being walked on frequently. This makes it ideal for folks with kids as children abuse grass.

You will also wish to consider any trees you may have. Some grasses love shade while others can not tolerate a lot of shade. For instance a fine fescue likes shade but does not like to be walked on.

Watering needs also rank in extreme importance. If you live where there is heavy rainfall you will want a grass that can handle a lot of water. A dry drought prone area will need a grass like Sir Walter Buffalo Raleigh. The right grass will actually save you time and money.

A PH test can also go a long way toward choosing the right grass for you. You should test the PH in your soil before doing anything else. You do not want to plant a lawn that is perfect for you and your climate only to find it will not grow in your yard.

What are you going to do on your lawn is another important question to ask. Do you have children who play soccer in the yard? Do you have barbeques where a lot of people will walk in your garden or do you prefer to just sit on the porch and watch it grow? Some grasses tolerate being walked and played on while others prefer to be looked at.

Considering the color of green you prefer as well as the texture of the grass is also rather important. Nothing in the world feels as good to the bare feet then the right grass.

Last but not least is maintenance. Some grasses grow faster then others. Some will need expensive fertilizer. How much time do you really wish to spend maintaining your lawn?

There is nothing in the world like coming home to a beautiful lawn. The smell of fresh cut grass is one of the simple luxuries in life. With a little thought and consideration you can choose the perfect lawn for you. Choosing the right lawn will add value to your property and save you money on water and fertilizers. With just a little thought and a PH test you will be on the way to years of happy grass.

Visit Jimboomba Turf at for more handy hints on choosing the perfect grass, Laying Turf and all about Landscaping Turf.

Author's Bio: 

Author writes regularly about Sir Walter Raleigh, laying turf, Grass, Landscaping Gold Coast and Legend Couch Grass topics. To know about more about turf, grass supplies, landscaping turf, sir walter turf, buffalo grass, turf prices from Author visit -