Article Title: How to Write Creatively - "Write Rite"

Author: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Writing, Creative Writing, How to Write Creatively, Writing Hints/Tips, Creative Writing Course,
Writing Course, Online Writing Course, Imagination , Creative Imagination (enough there for now, craig!)
Web Site:

Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)

The submitter's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and

Publishing Guidelines:

We hope that the following article (which is an early lesson from our online writing course) may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others "out there" in any way, then we're happy. This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."

(Extracted from Eagle Productions Writing Course)

# Oops - sounds funny that phrase!

"I never had any doubts about my abilities. I knew I could write. I just had to figure out how to eat while doing this."- Cormac McCarthy

"It took me 15 years to find out that I had no talent for writing, but by then I couldn't give it up, because by then I was
too famous to give up."
- Robert Benchley

I hope the following information may be helpful to you in writing creatively and getting published... as to be a published writer is one of the most rewarding occupations and pastimes - creatively and perhaps even financially.

I find writing a very satisfying and enjoyable activity using one's creative "juices". However, I can't each you how to write, let alone how to be a writer. All I can do is give you some tips and guidelines, which hopefully will make it a lot easier...if that is what you really want to do. They are all based on what I have learnt by doing it myself - usually through the long process of trial and error. I hope they are interesting and helpful to you in your quest to be a writer.

There are no ABC's in writing. Having the ability to put words down on paper is only the beginning to writing. There is a great deal more to be learned on the techniques.

There is a huge market for creative work. As a result of enormous demand, editors and publishers are continually on the lookout for new writers and fresh ideas. Freelance writers can earn good fees and royalties. However, I found that one has to specialise and make decisions: either write books or articles for "maggies".

What is the size of the market? There are over 50000 magazines and newspapers published in English world wide, including the gate-way to the Asian market in Singapore. Incidentally, I believe the Far East is the growth area for English books in the future. Thousands of fiction and non-fiction books are published each year, as well as countless radio and television scripts. There are also numerous stage plays performed throughout the world. So you can see that there are enormous outlets for your writing - especially if you have more than a touch of talent...and I'm sure many of you do. That is just the real (off-line) world. Online there are infinite possibilities through digital publishing and e-books ... and that's the subject of yet another article!

Once you have learned how to write for these markets, you should have no difficulty selling your work.

Don't give up after rejection follows rejection. Whatever you do, PERSEVERE. Remember perseverance and not talent is often the difference between a published and an unpublished writer.

I believe that writing is a skill, which like other artistic skills, you can learn and develop with practice. Just like a sportsman or artisan, the more you write, the better you will become. So write as often as you can... as much as you can! I definitely feel that my writing abilities have improved dramatically in the last two* long years, since I havetotally dedicated myself to the pursuit.
* Now fifteen!

"My writing mission is through my words to inform, illuminate, entertain, uplift, delight, as well as
hopefully even inspiring people. I aim to do this by sharing my knowledge and life experiences - through
supporting, encouraging and empowering others to be the best person they can possibly be."

"I truly want to let the light shine through my words to impact and help inspire people throughout our(sometimes happy and sometimes dark and sad, yet always beautiful and magical) world."

I do not think that an aspiring writer needs any special educational qualifications or background to be a writer. Writers
come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. My father was a life assurance salesman, then rose to executive.
The only family link is my grandfather Billy, who was a sports journalist.

Sorry about all the "eyes" in the above paragraphs, but this author didn't know how to get his points across any other way. Then use your creative imagination better, craig!

Because writing is a relatively easy and inexpensive pursuit to get into, nearly everyone has the same opportunities. However, how far you go will largely depend upon your own creative talent and application. Also how much you really DESIRE to be a writer.N.B: DETERMINATION and PERSISTENCE more than anything else will get you there. I believe that most people will find abundant amounts of these qualities within them. If you look hard enough and are really tested. But only once they have found what it is that they really want to do with their lives. Hopefully there'll be more writers around in the future, because they are "the eyes of the world". Writers give the reader a different view of life; so that you see the world through the unique perspective of the author.

Enough on that subject. I've written plenty about it in my book STEPS TO SUCCESS, PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS already. Plug plug!

Everyone has their own style of writing, as well as their unique life experiences they may wish to share in the form of words. Also they have their own reasons for wanting to write. To journal to merely express your thoughts and feelings,
or with the aim of publication - to be read by others. I'm definitely not the "arty-farty-airy-fairy" type of writer, as I only write for a reason, a PURPOSE - with passion or humour, to try to make a difference in the world through the power of the written word. To touch lives (pervert!) and make an impact on people through encouraging, uplifting, enlightening and hopefully even inspiring people around the globe. That's me (and was my original intention and vision when I started out)...

But no matter your reason for wanting to write, I find it the most satisfying and enjoyable "occupation/pursuit" I've ever had... and this has now evolved into something far bigger than I could ever have imagined.

(And with the invention of the www it's now so much easier to be published and let your words touch lives around the globe... and you too can use this amazing tool of instant communication).

There is tremendous power in imagination: YOUR creative imagination. Albert Einstein stated: " Imagination is more important than knowledge." Napoleon believed that "the human race is governed by it's imagination ."

Pascal: "Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty , justice and happiness , which is everything in this world."

Use it well and it's amazing power will astound you - in your writing as well as in all areas of your life.

Enjoy the writing journey... of self discovery, as well as personal growth

Happy writing

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books )

"It took me 15 years to find out that I had no talent for writing, but by then I couldn't give it up, because by then I was
too famous to give up."
- Robert Benchley

"The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the light would have you soar like the eagle of
your sacred visions."
- Alan Cohen

Together, one mind at a time, let's see how many people we can impact, encourage, empower and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials


Don't worry about the world ending today... it's alreadytomorrow in "little" scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Author's Bio: 

About the author:Craig is a writer, who believes in (and loves) sharing information with a touch, a "dash or two" of humour, as well as encouraging and helping others to find their talents and gifts, to strive for and accomplish their dreams in life - whatever they may be.

Online Creative Writing Course.
15 entertaining lessons by a prolific author. Learn the craft of writing: how to write creatively and have fun at the same time.

The various books that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at and .

Craig is currently writing 'To the End of the Rainbow', where the reader is involved making DIFFERENT CHOICES, DIRECTIONS: DIFFERENT PATHS = DIFFERENT OUTCOMES

Craig's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and