The narrative essay could be said as the easiest form of essays as these are the opinion of the writer. These essays are also loved by the readers because everyone loves stories. Writers also need not to refer other writers’ work as they are free to express their own thoughts and ideas. Despite considered being the easiest form, writing them could be challenging and hence there are certain factors that must be considered while writing the essay. Sometimes writers also take essay writing help to better establish their thoughts and opinion.

• ReadingWriters must be readers and therefore it is advised to read as much as one can. Reading other’s work improves the vocabulary, gives an understanding of the different writing styles, and sometimes even provides theory or the concept to the thought that one is considering using in their essay.

• Writing style and point of view
The versatile nature without any restrictions and requirements is the beauty of narrative essays. Different writers may present the story in a hundred different ways. Some writers prefer writing a story from their point of view while others narrate the story from a character’s point of view. Whatever the writer chose, it is important to stick to that view throughout the whole story to avoid confusion to the readers.

• Choosing the story
This again has no restriction; however, the writer must choose the story by keeping in mind the audience that they want to target. Although narrative essays are generally open to every audience, every writer always has some kind of audience in mind.• Introduction of the thought
The first paragraph is the brief introduction to the story which will be narrated in the essay. This is also known as the deciding paragraph because the content of this paragraph decides whether the reader will read the complete story or still will decide.

• The main body of essayLike most of the essays, the main body of the narrative essay must also be divided into small paragraphs short sentences. The aim of the narrative essay is to bind the reader to the story without causing any distraction that might lose their interest.

• Sequence of the events
The sequence of the events matters at every point in the whole plot of the story. There are certain events that are narrated as the flashback or the past events and therefore must be included with special care as they might break the flow of the whole narration, if not mentioned at the correct place and correct reference.• Conclusion
The conclusion is as important as the introduction and therefore, it is a little tricky. As the reader moves towards the end of the story, they begin to anticipate one and other conclusions. Whatever the conclusion writer opted to make, it should be the complete closure doing full justification to the events and characters in the story.

• Description and detailingA good story always has the reader immersed into it, relating to one or other events or characters from the story. This is possible only if the writer has provided a detailed description of each and every character or event mentioned in the story.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Allen is a professional content writer who also provides assignment writing services to the students worldwide. I also write helpful educational articles.