How to Use Your Willpower to Implant Positive Emotions, And Blast-Out Negative Feelings.

• 1. Are we consciously focused on our feelings, all-day?

• 2. Answer: you and I change emotions during our waking hours more often than people change their underwear and take showers.

• 3. Unless we use our willpower (dorso-lateral pre-frontal-cortex) our self-talk (internal-monollogue, “still-small-voice”, subvocalization), takes over with negative-emotions.

• 4. The goal of successful people is to monitor our feelings while we’re awake, to consistently use our willpower (it’s 2-inches above our left-eyebrow), to install exclusively, positive-emotions.

• 5. Positive Emotions produce effective behaviors to fulfill our Goals. P.E. creates winning Moods, and a Mindset that is solution oriented.

• 6. “Gimme examples of negative & positive emotions.”

• 7. Answer: here are five (5) negative, and five (5) positive emotions to identify how you are feeling. You don’t have to memorize these emotions, just know how they make you feel,

and your awareness plays a reversal of negative-for-positive.

• 8. a) Abandoned b) Abused c) Accused d) Adrift & e) Afraid.Now mentally link the Negatives any one of (5) Positive Emotions listed in #9.

• 9. a) Able, b) Absolved, c) Abundant, d) Acceptable & e) Accomplished. When you think (feel) “Abandoned”, you choose to mentally Visualize for example, “Abundant”. How?

Imagine, (daydream) how you would look if you were wearing a costume made of U.S. $100-dollar-bills.

Top-to-foot, you are made of money. Let it amuse you, make you smile. Trade “abandoned” as a feeling, and give yourself permission to feel “abundant” (made of money).

Two-steps: visualize, and shout out (aloud or mentally raise the volume) the Single-Word: Wealthy!

• 10. Example: when you feel “afraid” with or without a good reason, mentally-visualize yourself “able”. An example would be having a “skill” that you have learned and use, like ‘surfing the internet’, or typing and texting on your Word Processor.

Your ” imagination ”, and your Power-Word, work to inhibit your fear (‘afraid’), by knowing you can learn and remember New skills. Psychologists call this, a Historical Success.

It uses a Neural Network in your brain to create a positive emotion in-your-consciousness.

• 11. Shout-out (or repeat mentally loudly) the single-word, Gifted! Two-steps: imagine yourself banging-away on the Internet, or typing, and the Single-Power-Word, Gifted!

• 12. If it sounds like too much work, keep in mind this strategy only requires 90-seconds to work.

It blows-away your negative feelings for up to four (4) hours. Add Smiling for 17-seconds, and you double the useful Positive hours. Now, isn’t that a real bargain.

• 13. Here are another five (5) Negative Emotions, and the Switcheroo Positive-Emotions to make you feel good.

• 14 (Negatives) a) Forgotten (nobody loves me!) b) Forlorn c) Forsaken d) Fragmented, & e) Frantic.

• 15. (Positives) a) Honored b) Hopeful c) Humble d) Humorous & Healed. Daydream & Shout-Out! (physically or mentally).

It has proven effective for over 1,200 executives who use it 24/7/.

We suggest you decide for yourself. Do a “Mind-Experiment”, and if it works for you, Use it!
See ya,Copyright © 2012, H. Bernard Wechsler

Author's Bio: 

H. Bernard Wechsler, Educational Director of "". See video interview ofJimmy Carter.

Wechsler was the business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating 2-million,including the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents.

See:Youtube video: type in:speed reading 101 at Columbia University