It is every woman’s dream to have perfect skin that is clear, smooth, and healthy. However, it is rare that this dream is a reality unless you are a celebrity or model. Skin care is a multi billion dollar industry with thousands of products coming out yearly, new skin care techniques and salons and offices that offer skin care treatments. With the societal obsession with beauty , we are always looking for the newest and best skin care product on the market to improve, prevent and enhance our skin.
Our skin is the largest organ of the human body. It covers the entire outside of the body and protects the internal organs, bones, and body functions. Skin prevents environmental toxins from entering the body, regulates the body’s temperature, and can repair itself in most circumstances. In conjunction with the other parts of the Integumentary system i.e. Hair, nails, and sweat glands, the skin provides the body with sensation. As durable and flexible as skin is, it is also diverse when it comes to individual people. Everyone’s skin type is different from the next and no two people’s skin will react the same way to pollutants, sun exposure, ultraviolet rays and skin care products.
Heredity determines what type of skin someone is born with. Therefore there is no way to genetically change your skin type. However you can alter your appearance temporarily through makeup or permanently through cosmetic surgery. There are typically five different skin types: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive.
Determining your skin type is important when deciding on what type of skin care treatment to use. Skin care products are typically manufactured for each specific skin type and should be used for each skin type accordingly. Each skin type has specific characteristics that specify its type. A simple test that you can use to determine your skin type is to wipe your face with a facial tissue right after you wake up in the morning. What’s left on the facial tissue will determine which category skin type you have.
Good healthy habits, cleanliness, and personal grooming are all ways to achieve healthy skin. Additionally what you eat and how you take care of your skin will contribute to the signs of aging . Therefore special care is always needed no matter your skin type. Water, fruits and vegetables, exercise and fresh air should all be consumed to keep natural and beautiful skin.
Normal skin is what everyone wishes for and most people don’t end up with. Normal skin is clear skin. It has the least amount of problems. Normal skin looks clean, smooth, and supple. Normal skin is the sign of good circulation and overall healthy skin. Most often than not normal skin looks good even when not maintained properly. That’s not to say that normal skin doesn’t need to be taken care of. The number one thing to be aware of with normal skin is the likelihood of premature aging , and wrinkles.
For normal skin a regular routine of cleaning, moisturizing, cleansing, and applying sun block should be upheld to preserve healthy skin. Cleaning the skin should be done twice a day with a mild soap and warm water. Skin moisturizers should be applied nightly before you go to bed. Skin cleansers should be mild along with an alcohol free astringent to be used afterwards to remove any traces of cleanser upon the skin. Sunscreen prevents skin damage such as drying, and premature aging . Essential oils, honey and moisturizers should be applied as a base before putting on makeup. This can be used for skin rejuvenation and also heal and protect the skin against daily pollutants.
Dry skin on the face is like dry skin anywhere else on the body. It feels flaky, dry and tight. Dry skin is more prone to aging, irritation and other serious problems. The pores on dry skin are very fine, which allows very little oil to reach the surface of the skin decreasing the moisture of the skin. Dry skin can be irritated by soap, detergents, toners, the sun, weather changes, ultraviolet rays, and air conditioning. Dry skin lacks moisture and oil, which can lead to cracking and wrinkling very easily.
Creamy skin moisturizers are essential for people who have dry skin. Beauty products that should be used regularly include natural masks and moisturizers. Using a moisturizer with sun block should be considered for people with dry skin, since sun exposure can have additional damaging affects on the skin. Always remove makeup before going to bed. Then cleanse the skin. A creamy cleanser can be used to remove dirt from the face. Allow the cleanser or mask to remain on the face for some time before gently wiping it off. Wash the skin and splash the face with cold water to refresh the tight feeling of dry skin. Apply a creamy night moisturizer. This will lock in much needed moisture throughout the night.
Oily skin is one of the most problematic skin types. Characteristics of oily skin include shiny, greasy skin. Oily skin is most associated with frequent acne breakouts. Large pores and thick, coarse texture are the reasons oily skin causes numerous skin problems. The over production of oil accumulates on the nose, cheeks and forehead and is readily present to the out side appearance of the face. Oil builds up in the pores and causes acne, pimples and blackheads. Although, oily skin can be a nuisance, one good part about it is that oily skin is not prone to aging or wrinkling. However, careful cleaning is necessary to reduce acne breakouts and excess oil on the skin.
Washing the face with soap and water several times a day is the best acne skin treatment for oily skin. It removes the dirt and oil with clogs the pores. However, washing the face several times a day can strip the skin of its moisture. Oil free moisturizers that are light and watery will restore moisture to dehydrated skin. After removing makeup with a cleanser, always wash the face to re-open the pores. A face wash for oily skin can replace regular soap. Then apply an astringent to refresh the skin and remove excess soap and cleanser. Use a mudpack 1-2 times a week to remove dirt and oil from inside follicles. Allow it to dry onto your face and wash off. A rich diet of vitamins, minerals, vegetables, and water is said lead to clearer skin, reducing the affect of acne. Also minimize carbohydrates and eliminate rich creams, and creamy cleansers from your skin care routine.
Combination has characteristics of both dry and oily skin. The area of the nose and forehead are usually oily where as the cheeks are dry. Most women have a combination skin type, which causes skin treatments to be varied based upon the area of the face. Due to the mix of skin types several different skin treatment techniques need to be applied to keep healthy, beautiful looking skin. The oily skin needs to remain dry and the dry skin needs to be moisturized. Start out with a foaming face wash to clean the entire face. Apply an astringent to the oily areas and a mild freshener for the dry areas. Use a light moisturizer over the entire face. Before you go to bed apply a cream cleanser to dry areas on the cheeks and around the eyes. Always wear sunscreen to avoid dehydrated the skin. Exfoliating the entire face once a week will remove the dead skin cells.
Sensitive skin can be the most difficult out of all the skin types. Sensitive skin tends to be very dry, itchy and irritated. Reddish, chafing and stinging are symptoms of sensitive skin. Unfortunately people who have sensitive skin usually have to avoid soap, facial washes, skin care products, beauty products, cosmetics, creams and lotions. Perfumed, flavored, or products with alcohol are usually an irritant to people with sensitive skin. Choosing the right skin care treatment is a must for people with sensitive skin. Check the ingredients and do a patch test before purchasing or using any type of skin care product. Normally hypo allergic cleansing lotions and moisturizers can add moisture to the skin and protect against external irritants. Avoid using any skin care, beauty or cosmetic product that is chemical based to reduce an instant inflammation. Always use water resistant sunscreen because there are less synthetic oils in it. Knowing you have a skin sensitivity and to what is the best precaution. This way you know what types of products you can and cannot use.
Knowing your skin type is essential to determining what products you can and should use and what types of skin care treatments are right for you. Using products or treatments for skin types other than your own could be detrimental to your skin, leaving it irritated, dehydrated and damaged. If you are unsure what to do for you skin type don’t guess, always research before using a product or treatment.

Author's Bio: 

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!
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