What is Obesity ?

When a person eats excess of fat containing food and doesn’t do any physical exercises then his excess fat is deposited in his body. By measuring the BMI (Body Mass Index) of an obese person it comes higher than the required BMI (Body Mass Index). Obesity is most dangerous condition of mankind. Now a day’s most of the people are suffering from obesity due to change in their lifestyle and food habits Lethargic habits develop and a person loses his interest in running, swimming or any other healthy activities. Obesity also leads to various other ailments like heart problems, respiratory related severe breathing attacks like asthma, diabetes and blood pressure problems are all getting worsened by obesity and could affect on life of a person. A person having BMI 25-29 is known to be as overweight and the person with a BMI between 30 and 40 is labeled as obese. Various home remedies, diet and lifestyle changes are very much helpful to treat Obesity. Heredity or by birth are also an important factor in becoming obese. As there are number of treatments present in markets to get rid off obesity but they are effective and they cause side-effects to a person’s health.

What are the causes of Obesity ?

• Unhealthy Food
• Fast Lifestyle
• due to Hormone
• Heredity
• High Calorie Consumption
• Lack of Exercise

Natural Home Remedies for Obesity
There is various number of home Remedies which are described below:

• Fennel Seeds it very useful herb in home remedy for obesity. It is used since long time and helps to decrease the appetite of a person thus preventing from fattiness over the stomach. Boil seeds in 1 glass of water and drink it daily empty stomach two times a day.
• Apple cider vinegar with lemon juice Take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of lemon juice in one glass of water. The apple cider vinegar will helps in metabolism. Drink daily one to two times in a day.
• Honey Take a one teaspoon of honey and a one teaspoon of lemon juice put both of them in a glass of hot water. Drink it one to two times in a day.
• Green Tea It is very much useful in reducing the weight of a person. It can be used daily for weight loss . Drink two to three cups of green tea daily for the good results.
• Apple cider vinegar Drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar for burning of fats in the body.
• Dandelion Herbs It is a natural and nutritious herb. It contains all vitamins, minerals.
• Hot Water It is very beneficial and easily available home remedy. Drinking of hot water daily instead of cold water is helpful in burning up of fats.Hot water should be taken half an hour before the meals.
• Peppermint It is a mint and is very effective in weight loss . It calms down the stomach to improve the digestion.
• Taking of cabbage, ginger, papaya, tomato, finger millet, Indian plum leaves and lemon juice in is the best way to reduce down the body weight.
• Lime juice with honey The combination of lime juice and honey is very much useful for treating obesity. Take one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lime juice put them in one glass of warm water. Drink it daily one two to three times in a day.

Diet for weight loss

• Those who wants to loose their weight should purely go for liquid diet for ten to twelve days
• After liquid diet a person eat only fruits for 7 days
• A person must include seeds, vegetables, nuts, fresh juices, grains all in their diet which are helpful in reducing or burning up of fats.
• A person must avoid food which causes obesity are butter, chocolate, creams, cheese, fried foods and he must exclude diet which are rich in carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, sugar and cookies.


Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is an Ayurvedic practitioner based in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of ancient healing treatment Ayurveda, not only in India but also abroad. He is CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Read more http://www.planetayurveda.com/curriculum-vitae.htm