Flatulence is a term used to specify the condition of excessive intestinal gas. As per studies, it is a composition of five odorless gases including nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and oxygen. Intensity of odor formed as a result of intestinal gas varies according to the traces of compounds like skatole and sulphur compounds. Multiple causes contribute in forming this disorder. Common causes reported for the formation of flatulence include aerophagia, lactase deficiency, breakdown of undigested foods, poor dietary fiber and poor thyroid function. Symptoms shown by a person suffering from flatulence vary from one person to another. Some among the symptoms due to flatulence or excessive gas formation include abdominal pain, belching, abdominal bloating and increased passage of gas.

Treatments are prescribed according to the right cause of problem. Healthy lifestyle with proper diet and regular exercise helps to a great extend in relieving the risk of flatulence problems. Following are some among the best recommended remedies to treat flatulence or excessive gas formation.

Intake of ginger tea after meals is found to be as a safe cure for treating flatulence. It aids digestion and prevents the formation of excessive stomach acids. In order to attain maximum result, those patients suffering from flatulence due to indigestion complaints are advised to include a good amount of ginger extract in their food items. Apart from curing flatulence, today ginger extract is a common remedy recommended for treating all kinds of stomach upsets. Controlling bad cholesterol level, reducing tooth aches and preventing skin irritation are other health benefits of using ginger extracts. Similar to ginger extract, intake of pepper mixed with ginger and cardamom is another safe cure for treating excessive gas. In order to achieve best result, patients with stomach complaints are advised to intake this mixture with warm water after meals.

As per studies, improper diet schedule is found to be as an important cause of flatulence problem. Limiting or avoiding foods producing gas when consumed is a best natural remedial measure for treating flatulence. Some among the food items leading way to gas production include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and yeast. Patients suffering from flatulence trouble are also advised to avoid the intake of carbonated drinks. Some among the food items that produce negligible amount of gas include rice, banana, citrus, grapes, eggs and peanut butter. Intake of heavy meals is another common cause reported for the formation of flatulence. In order to control flatulence, it is advised to intake smaller meals.

Regular doing of exercise is an effective cure recommended to treat flatulence or excessive gas formation. Apart from improving digestion process, regular exercise improves the overall health of person. For attaining optimum result, it is advised to do regular exercise for at least thirty minutes per day. It promotes bowel movements and reduces the number of gas producing bacteria in stomach. Yoga is one among the best recommended natural techniques to treat flatulence or excessive gas formation. Regular practicing of yoga acts as a safe cure for relieving a number of digestive problems and addresses the underlying case of flatulence trouble.

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