There’s a light dusting of snow on Taos Mountain and this very warm day has turned quite chilly as the sun begins to set. From my car window I see no-neck people with their collars turned up and shoulders slightly hunched against the wind. It’s sleeveless weather during the day but the temperature plunges 50 degrees by dark in this high-elevation town, and many of those still outside are caught underdressed even though they know it happens every day this time of year. I park the car, step outside and whoosh! – the wind has its own design in mind for my hair.
I used to lament my thin hair but since I’ve been practicing age-reversing techniques I’ve changed how I feel about my hair – and every other part of my body. I know that loving who I am and how I look and feel right now is an essential part of this process. And I know that what I think and believe about who I am determines how I look and feel.
Here’s why: our thoughts and beliefs create energy, which influences matter – since at the most basic level, matter IS energy. This may be difficult to accept, but there is hard science that helps us understand all this. It’s quantum physics, which is the study of the building blocks of the universe. Your body is made up of tissue and organs and bone, which are made up of cells, which are made up of molecules. The molecules are composed of atoms, which are composed of sub-atomic particles such as electrons.
I say “particles” but the sub-atomic world, which is the world of quantum physics, is not made up of sub-atomic “particles” in the same way a speck of dirt is a particle. These sub-atomic particles are energy. This energy exists as a wave, until you observe it – and then it becomes a particle. But if you stop observing this energy, it becomes a wave again.
If you’d like to know more about the science, read Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “Biology of Belief.”
So it’s your observation, your attention, your intention, that literally creates what you see around you, and literally, creates you – your body. This is a participatory universe, in which your consciousness participates in the creation of everything.
If you can manage to love who you are and how you look right now, then youthfulness will come to you far more quickly. But if you can’t truly love yourself, “fake it ’til you feel it.” Instead of criticizing your hair, your skin, your legs, your butt, occupy your conscious mind with words of love. You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make after this becomes a habit.
Talk to your body. Here’s an example of how I talk to parts of my body, “I love you, legs. Thank you for carrying me around. Thank you for getting me up and down stairs without my having to consciously think about it.” Try it. Do it while you’re bathing, or spreading lotion on your body, if that seems a more appropriate way to begin.
But don’t stop at your body: say “I love you” frequently. When I wake up in the morning, I look out the window and say, “I love you, mountains.” Do they hear me? I don’t know. What I DO know is that it makes me feel good and creates the thrilling emotion of love inside my being – so why not say it?
As I write this, I am saying “I love you,” to you, my blog reader. I hope you can feel it.
What are the thought patterns you’d like to change? What techniques are working for you? Please comment below and share!
Joy and Blessings!Ellen – Your Grow Young Guide
Author, columnist, keynote speaker and pioneer of age-reversing consciousness, Ellen Wood, helps men and women grow younger with body/mind/spirit action steps. She is living proof that they work. Sign up for three free gifts at her website: