Water retention occurs when excess fluids build up inside the body.These retention problems arise when fluid is not removed by the lymphatic system in the body properly thus retained in the body tissues thus leading to swelling. It is most common in the feet and legs, but it can occur in the hands, arms, abdominal cavity and around the lungs.

Types of Water Retention

There are two main categories of water retention, generalized edema and localized edema.

  • Generalized edema refers to swelling that occurs throughout the body.
  • Localized edema refers to the swelling in specific parts of the body.

Ayurvedic View of Water Retention

Water retention is explained as Shotha in Ayurveda . It can be related to vital organs like- kidney, heart, lungs, brain, uterus etc. Edema is mainly caused by Vata dosha, Pitta and Kapha. When these are vitiated, these are lodged in veins which circulate the blood in the body. Due to defect in circulation, the muscle and the skin are badly affected and ultimately get hardened and elevated edema is resulted.

Master Charak has explained Shotha in the 18th chapter of Sutrasthana. It has also been mentioned that chronic inflammation is a sign of chronic disorders. Ayurveda also believes that there is clogging of channels by Aama ( toxic waste of metabolism ).

Water retention ( Shoth ) according to Ayurveda is of two types-

Nija ( Endogenous )- It is caused within the body. ( Internal factor )

Agantuja ( Exogenous )- It is caused outside the body. ( External factor )

What Are the Causes of Water Retention?

One of the main reasons of water retention is the suppression of natural urges. Other Reasons are

  1. Fever
  2. Anemia
  3. Excess intake of alkaline or acidic food
  4. Food poisoning
  5. Sedentary lifestyle
  6. Long term fasting
  7. Intake of curd, vitiated food etc.
  8. Use of contraceptive pills
  9. Hypothyroidism where metabolism is low
  10. Use of steroids
  11. Pregnancy
  12. Sluggish liver

What Are the Symptoms of Water Retention?

(i) Complete obstruction of urinary tract.

(ii) Interrupted flow of urine

(iii) Incomplete production of urine

(iv) Non production of urine

(v) Swelling in any part of the body

(vi) Debility in veins

(vii) Heaviness of the body

(viii) Edema over any of body surface

A certain amount of slight body swelling is considered normal during warmer months. This is particularly true for people who walk or stand a lot throughout the day. In addition, a pregnant woman may experience a slight amount of swelling from the stress of carrying a child. In both cases, there is generally no cause for concern.

Planet Ayurveda's natural supplements for water retention ( oedema )

1. Punarnava capsules

Punarnava capsules of Planet Ayurveda are prepared from pure herb. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of anemia, jaundice, inflammation etc.

Punarnava Capsules are very helpful in the treatment of edema and water retention due to any reasons. It reduces the swelling and inflammation in a natural way. Planet Ayurveda's Punarnava Capsules are 100% vegetarian.

Dosage- 2 capsules twice a day with plain water after meals.

What is Punarnava?

Punarnava ( Botanical name ) - Boerhavia diffusa

It is well known for its diuretic and swelling reducing activities.

'Punar' means 'again', Nava means new. The plant dies in a year and with the same root, next year, it regrows. Hence the name. Punarnava is also an excellent anti -aging herb. It makes the body new again, so the name Punarnava.

Punarnava mandoor

Punarnava mandur is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation which is prescribed in conditions like Anemia, Jaundice, edema or generalized edema, Swelling and fluid accumulcation, fluid retention in feet. It is also a best herbal remedy for ascites, disorders associated with Liver and Spleen, Skin diseases, Kidney diseases, fluid retention due to kidney failure or liver failure.

Each Tablet of Planet Ayurveda is available in 500 mg dosage. Punarnava Mandoor of Planet Ayurveda is 100% pure and effective.

Dosage- 2 tablets twice a day with plain water after meals.

Main Ingredients

  1. Boerhaaviadiffusa ( Punarnava )
  2. Zingiberofficinale ( Shunti )
  3. Piper longum ( Pippali )
  4. Piper nigrum ( Maricha )
  5. Emblica officinalis ( Amalaki )
  6. Terminaliachebula ( Haritaki )
  7. Piper chaba ( Chavya )
  8. Curcuma longa ( Haridra )
  9. Embeliaribes ( Vidanga )
  10. Plumbagozeylanica ( ChitrakMool )
  11. Ferric oxide calx ( MandoorBhasma )

2. Water ex tablets

Water ex tablets of Planet Ayurveda are completely safe.

Each Tablet is 500 mg

Ingredients of water ex tablets

  1. Punarnava ( Boerhaviadiffusa ) Root Extract - 290mg
  2. Varuna ( Crataevanurvala ) Bark Extract - 100 mg
  3. Gokshura ( Tribulusterrestris ) Fruit Extract -100 mg
  4. Excipients -10 mg

3. Tripanchmool ghan Vati

It is used in the treatment of urinary tract disorders of Pitta origin. It is made of roots of five types of grasses. These are

  • Kush ( Desmostachyabipinnata )
  • Darbh ( Imperatacylindrica )
  • Kaas ( Saccharumspontaneum )
  • Saar ( Saccharummunja )
  • kshu ( Saccharumofficinarum )

It is used in the treatment of difficulty and pain during urination, burning urination.

It cleanses urinary bladder.

Dosage- 2 tablets twice or thrice daily after half an hour of meal with plain water.

Tips to reduce water retention

  1. Regular consumption of a mixture of turmeric along with ginger and honey is recommended.
  2. Reduce the intake of high sodium diet . Reduce salt and sugar intake.
  3. Lemon juice helps to flush out excess fluid and toxins from the body.
  4. Fennel acts as a diuretic and helps to increase sodium and water output from the kidneys.
  5. Fruits like- parsley, apple cider and fruits rich in potassium like- bananas, apricot, peaches must be included in diet .

Complications of edema

  • fever
  • thirst
  • vomiting
  • anorexia
  • diarrhea
  • general weakness etc.

Diet advised for managing these are soothing, coolant diuretic substances like

  • sugar cane juice
  • fruit juice
  • muskmelon
  • cucumber
  • Amla ( Indian gooseberry )
  • warm water
  • barley
  • old rice
  • old ghee
  • horse gram must be included in diet. Sneham ( oleation ) can also be done. Various Ayurvedic herbs like

    • Punarnava
    • Gokshur
    • Chandan

    Shatavari are also recommended

    • Heavy food
    • curd
    • junk food
    • bitter gourd must be avoided.

    One must not take this condition lightly as oedema may be a symptom of a disease.


Author's Bio: 

DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD - AYURVEDA is an expert Ayurvedic practitioner based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda (Ancient healing treatment), not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. For more info visit our website: http://www.planetayurveda.com