Power outages can be difficult to weather at any time of year, but everything is way worse when it’s freezing cold outside, which is why you need to prepare. 

1. How To Prep For a Winter Power Outage

Start preparing today and you'll be ready for whenever winter takes a turn for the worst.

Make a supply of batteries in all sizes.

Check your flashlights.

Get a full tank of gas because gas stations run on electricity.

Stock up on cash as ATMs don’t work without electricity.

Get an old-corded phone so you actually have a phone to rely on.

Stock up on drinking water if you have a well because pumps work on electricity.

Stock up on food that can be prepared without electricity and non-perishable foods like canned fruits.

Protect your pipes from freezing and bursting by adding an additional layer of insulation or shutting off the main water valve and opening all faucets until they get empty.

Lower the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer before the storm hits, so if the power goes out, they'll both stay cooler longer.

2. How To Stay Warm During a Winter Power Outage

You need to find a way to stay warm if electricity and natural gas were to be suddenly disrupted.

Get foods and beverages that will keep you warm from the inside out such as ginger tea, bananas and oats. You should stay hydrated because dehydration thickens your blood, placing you at an increased risk of hypothermia.

You need a back-up heating device that is safe to use indoors and runs on fuel. More importantly, make sure your home is as energy-efficient as possible to keep the heat inside. You should also create a microenvironment that retains heat such as getting blackout curtains that will provide an additional layer of insulation to your windows. Sealing drafts can lower your home’s Oncor utility bills because indoor heat won’t escape and cold outside air won’t come in as easily. Dress warmly and that means putting on many layers and that means even gloves, socks and a hat because any uncovered part of your body will be losing heat. You should also move because your body will tolerate cold better so don’t overdress to avoid overheating.

3.Home Winterproofing Tips

Homes deteriorate quickly and they can get seriously damaged during winter so you need to make sure your house is protected. Here are a few winter-proofing things that you can do to keep yourself and your home safe and well.

Check your HVAC

Before a storm strikes, change your filters or at least clean them from dirt and debris.

Test carbon monoxide detectors

Winter is the time most house fires happen as furnace and fireplaces get to work. Carbon monoxide also poses a bigger hazard as our homes are closed tight.

Protect your wooden elements

Take the time to go around your home and make sure that none of the caulk on the wood trim around your exterior doors and windows is cracking and that your paint is not chipping and flaking away. If it is, scrape away the bad part and apply fresh. Even though your deck is made of treated or rot-resistant wood, make sure you check how it’s holding up by pouring some water on it. If the water beads up, you’re good but if the wood absorbs it, it needs to be protected just like you will cover your patio furniture.

Clean the gutters

When your gutters pile up, they overflow, and then that water runs down your home, speeding up the deterioration of your exterior. It can also result in deterioration of your foundation or water in your basement so every time leaves fall of the trees, it’s time to clean.


The bottom line is that you can survive without electricity and even during winter. You can learn a valuable lesson from this experience as it will trigger your survival mode when we realize all we truly need are the simple things. Advanced preparation will do a great job in make a significant difference in your comfort level.

Author's Bio: 

I am Lucy Jones