It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, an artist or a doctor everybody is struggling in some way and suffers from a lack of motivation at times. This “everybody” includes your live chat agents.

Sometimes, you noticed a dunk in your live chat agents’ performance and in the urge of something to help keep them going. By following the tips that we have mentioned in this blog, you will learn ways to inspire your employees and boost your team’s morale in the blink of an eye.

Express Your Agents That You Care — Knowing that someone cares about you is an elevating and often inspiring feeling. This is one great way to boost team morale. Here are a few ways that you can do this according to Forbes:

Go Above and Beyond Personally to Help Them- If your agent is in need of a favor that is within your reach, lend them a hand!

Don’t Act Like You’re Above Them-Share your own fears, experiences, and vulnerabilities with your employees so that they realize that they can trust you with theirs.

Back Them Up with Customers- If any customer is treating an agent badly, show your agent you are on his or her side and make sure that your agent does not interact with that customer again.

Listen To Your Agents And Act Accordingly — At a point where employees see that their feedback has been heard, valued and taken into consideration makes them feel that their voices matter, and they are a vital part of that organization which surely boost their morale.

Work With Your Team —When difficult situations arise, dive into the work pool with your agents! As an agent, nothing is more disheartening than to be under an overwhelming workload while your supervisor is busy on his or her phone. This is the reason it is unfavorable to your team’s inspiration that you show others how it’s done. Regardless of whether you are working on a different venture make sure that you know when to hustle with your team.

Give Your Employees Breaks — Your live chat agents spend most of their day on the computer. Every now and then, a smidgen of fresh air will benefit them. In order for your live chat agents to sustain those heavy work hours, give them some breathing space to chatter or to just unwind.

Acknowledge Employee Achievements — “Ignoring the performance of people is almost as bad as shredding their effort in front of their eyes,” says Duke psychology professor Dan Ariely. Employee achievement recognition is important and is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to inspire your agents. Many companies acknowledge their achievements through recognition programs such as the “Employee of the Month,” peer-to-peer recognition programs, or other recognition based on specific results or behaviors.

Propose New Challenges or Responsibilities — Some live chat agents might be tired with their current assignments and feel a need for better challenges. For such agents, have a go at spurring them by offering them expanded duties.

Celebration Is Essential— It’s a warm and pleasant gesture to give your live chat agents something to celebrate whenever possible. That means heading into seasonal holidays as reasons to do something different and special for your employees are some ways to boost employee motivation .

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