If you have an upcoming lunch with relatives and friends, or you just want to cook something special for a regular meal, you should make sure that the dish you prepare is special. You can come up with appetizing dishes that do not need to eat up a lot of your time. In fact, any dish turns out great as long as it comes with an excellent presentation. Even if it is only a simple recipe, you can make it a mouth-watering dish that the whole family will love.

Smoked salmon is a fabulous main course that you should try to prepare. This dish is truly delectable because of its enticing aroma and excellent taste. Moreover, salmon is highly nutritious, as it is rich in protein, calcium, and several other essential nutrients. Thus, you should consider making smoked salmon for lunch or dinner. You will find it ideal to cook because it does not take long to prepare. Hence, busy moms will want to make this recipe because of its convenience.

Here is one great recipe for salmon that you should try. You will love the nutritious goodness of this special treat that you can prepare for main course.

Smoked Salmon with Potato Cakes
This fancy dish is truly scrumptious because of the perfect combination of potatoes and salmon. Aside from the superb taste of the dish, you will find it quite satisfying and highly nutritious. Have the following ingredients to make this delicious recipe.
Potatoes (peeled), about 330g
Spring onions (sliced finely), 2 pieces
Salt and black pepper to taste
Flour, 1 teaspoon
Butter, 1 stick
Large organic eggs, 2 pieces
Smoked salmon, 3 slices
Sour cream, 2 teaspoons
Fresh chives (chopped finely), a bunch

Cooking Procedure:
Fill a stockpot with water and add some salt. Then, peel the potatoes and boil them inside the stockpot. Once cooked, drain thoroughly and remove the potatoes. Allow the potatoes to cool a bit before you grate them using a cheese grater. Put the grated potatoes in a mixing bowl. Then, add in the chopped spring onions, flour, half portion of the butter and the seasoning. Blend the mixture well using a spoon.
Afterwards, scoop some of the mixture and form it into four balls with equal sizes. Next, pat them flat on a plate, retaining the round shape. Cover the plate with a plastic cling wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Then, heat a deep frying pan over medium heat setting. Melt the butter and add in the potato cakes. Fry the potatoes for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. When the potatoes turn golden brown in colour, remove them from heat. Drain excess oil with paper towels.

Next, boil the eggs for about 4 minutes. This will result to soft-boiled eggs with runny yolks, which is just right for this recipe. Then, arrange at least two potato cakes in one plate and top it with one piece of smoked salmon. Shell the soft-boiled eggs and place two of these on top of the salmon. Spread sour cream over the boiled eggs. Sprinkle a generous amount of chives.

This fantastic smoked salmon recipe is definitely a treat because of the outstanding presentation and overall taste. Try this recipe now and make an ordinary meal very special with this fancy dish.
Smoked Salmon with Chili Salsa RecipeSmoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs Recipe

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For more information related to Food and Recipes, please visit: Smoked Salmon , Baked Salmon and Grilled Salmon Recipes .