Every home can benefit from the use of candles. Candles have the ability to improve the ambiance of any room. Candles, in addition to improving the aesthetic appeal of any room, also have numerous therapeutic effects, allowing you to relax and relieve stress. Candles are available in a wide range of shapes, patterns, and scents, making it simple to pick one that matches your preferences.

Flowers in Chania

Consider crafting your own teacup candles if you want to take your candle collection to the next level. This DIY project is simple to complete because it only takes a few hours of your time and a few common household products. A teacup candle, when manufactured properly, is attractive, functional, and refillable indefinitely. You'll enjoy your teacup candle more than just a boring old store-bought container candle because of the warm light and delicate aroma it emits.


Here's everything you'll need to produce teacup candles now that the technical stuff is out of the way.

  • Soy wax
  • Wicks that are pre-waxed and the right size for the teacup
  • Sticking down the wicks using foam adhesive dots
  • Double boiler/hot water pan
  • To measure out the fragrance oil, use a small cup
  • Fragrance oil
  • Colorant for candles
  • Teacups
  • Weighing scales
  • Wick stabilizer
  • Metal wax pouring jug
  • Thermometer
  • Spoon
  • Double boiler/pan of hot water
  • To measure out the fragrance oil, will be using a small cup


These candles are simple to make and only require a few simple items. We recommend using soy wax for these candles. One, soy wax burns cleaner than paraffin wax, and two, soy wax is completely natural. There's also beeswax, which can be used but isn't vegan-friendly, so keep that in mind if you're intending on giving these as gifts.

For these candles we will use scented oil, but you can also use essential oils. You'll need candle colorant to add a splash of color, which you can get from any candle-making provider or on Amazon. These are essentially colored wax chunks that you melt to color the candle.

For complete information on the wax, including the melting point and pouring temperature, always consult the manufacturer's label. They should also indicate the maximum scent load that the wax can withstand.

Measuring your wax and fragrance oil

You'll need to figure out how much wax and fragrance oil to use for your teacups. Fill your planned teacup for the candle with water to the level you want your candle to be. Then pour it into a measuring jug and round it up to the nearest ml.

After that, you'll want to write this number down and do some math. Subtract 20% of the total ml of water to arrive at the total amount of wax required for the candle in grams.


Now that you've got everything you'll need, here's how to make these adorable candles:

Step 1 – Melt the wax

Using the process explained above, you should have calculated the total amount of wax required. Then carefully melt your wax in a double boiler made with a pan of heated water and a metal wax pouring jug.

Because this could take some time, you can move on to the following step in the meantime. Just keep an eye on it and don't leave the area where you're melting the wax.

Step 2 – Prepare the teacups

Make sure your teacups are ready before pouring any of the melted wax into them. Make sure the cups are clean and dry before using them. You don't want any water to get into contact with the wax since it could cause them to combust, so make sure they're completely dry!

Then take your pre-waxed wicks and secure them with the foam glue dots, making sure they're the right size for your teacup. To keep these straight and centered, lay them in the bottom of the teacup and secure them with a wick stabilizer.

Step 3 – Add in Color

It's now time to add some color to your wax if you've decided to do so.

Measure it according to the amount of wax. It can be difficult to tell how dark the color will be, in part because soy wax becomes more opaque as it dries.

Step 4 – Add in fragrance

When the wax has completely melted, take it from the flame and set it aside to cool. To add your fragrance oil, you'll need a temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Celsius. If your wax label and fragrance oil say something different, heed the advice.

The scent should be added at these temperatures to help it bond with the melted wax. This should result in a fantastic cold and hot throw. That smells great when it's not lighted, and it smells much better when it's lit. This, like adding color, can be a bit of a trial and error process.

Then, for about 2 minutes, mix in the aroma oil. Check to see whether it's completely blended while keeping an eye on the temperature. It's worth noting that adding the fragrance oil lowers the melting wax's temperature. You can choose a suitable fragrance at www.candlescience.com/fragrance-oil/

Step 5 – Pour into the teacups

When your wax has reached the ideal pouring temperature, carefully pour it into your teacups. Pour slowly enough so that it does not splatter. You should also avoid pouring the wax too high since this will lead the wick stabilizer to join the wax. When the wax hardens, it will leave an indentation, which you don't want.

Step 6 – Allow to cool and set

Allow for cooling and setting of the candles. Due to the opaque nature of soy wax, you will observe the wax solidifying in various colors at first. It may take limited hours to complete this task.

Leave the candles alone for at least an hour before touching them to make sure they are fully set. When the candles are completely set, you can cut the wick.

For more information on why and how to cut the wick, visit https://thewaxcandles.com/ .It is recommended that the candle be trimmed to 1/5 inch to 1/9 inch for improved burning. Then you'll have your own teacup candle to use to adorn your house or give as a gift for Christmas. Perfect!

Enjoy your teacup candles

When lighting your candle for the first time, let it burn for a few hours and only put it out when the top layer of wax has completely melted throughout the teacup's entire circumference. This will ensure that the candle burns evenly the next time it is used.

It will also assist in preventing the dreaded candle tunneling! It's possible that the wick size you're using is causing the candle to the tunnel. The wick will not provide enough heat to thoroughly melt the wax and release the aroma if it is too small.

Again, candle manufacturing is a trial and error process, so always make a tester before giving your candle gift. Never use water to put out a candle; this will cause it to combust, which you don't want! Always read and follow the directions on the wax and fragrance oil labels.

Before crafting the candle, make sure your teacups aren't cracked or damaged. The wax could melt through the breaks, increasing the risk of the teacup shattering further and catching fire.

Have fun with your teacup candles!

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