Ecological and environmental awareness has made its way into interior design to a greater extent. Thus, most homeowners are leaning towards  custom cultured marble vanity tops rather than natural marble countertops for their interiors. In this way, you can include a greener and more sustainable interior design in your place. Besides, you can also include a lot of eco-friendly products in your interior to decorate your place and compliment your cultured marble décor. It’ll also help you reduce your carbon footprint with the help of nature-friendly materials and provide you with the long-term benefits of eco-friendly green home design.

So, what is a green home design?

Green interior design or eco-friendly design is trending nowadays. This interior design is based on the principles that identify the environmental impact of specific products/services across all the possible lifecycles while reducing its adverse effects on the entire ecosystem.

By applying this principle in interior design, you’ll bring the eco-design to your indoor décor. It’ll help you create a natural and sustainable environment in your home with elegance and class. All you’ll have to do is use recycled or eco-friendly items like custom cultured marble slabs, wooden items and more.

How to achieve a green interior in your place with custom cultured marble kitchen tops?

Sustainability using green or eco-friendly products/methods helps you reduce the adverse effects on your surrounding environment. Using sustainable practices to design your interior décor will also help you minimise your carbon footprint on the planet. Hence, experts suggest using nature-friendly items to achieve a green interior.

Well, here’re some steps you can take,

  1. Use natural fabrics to decorate your place.
  • Experts suggest using natural and organic fabrics to decorate your place. You can use them for curtains, bath linens, bedding and more.
  • You can also nature-friendly fabrics and eco-friendly materials for upholstery. Look for sofa and furniture covers made of cotton and linen fabrics.
  • Besides that, you can also choose fabrics that can be removed and washed to reuse across furniture pieces of your place.
  • Linen and cotton are grown free of artificial fertilisers, pesticides and harsh chemicals. You can also choose organic wool to compliment your custom cultured marble tops.
  1. Include nature-evoking decorative items in your interior.
  • Besides nature-friendly clothing, you should also choose design elements that evoke nature. It’ll make your place bring quite closer to nature itself.
  • You can decorate your custom cultured marble kitchen with wooden materials rather than plastic ones to bring a natural look to it.
  • You can also include clay pots and ceramics in your kitchen interior to compliment your custom cultured marble kitchen and green interior.
  1. Ensure a healthy eco-friendly design in your home.
  • Alongside the physical décor items, you can also include nature-friendly lighting and other electrical items in your interior décor.
  • Use materials and products in your interior that reduce the toxicity in your interior. It’ll help you prevent indoor pollution in your place.
  • You can include LED lighting in your kitchen décor to reduce power consumption and stay one step ahead to sustainable eco-friendly design.
  • Materials like wood and natural stones are also a great choice to compliment your custom cultured marble kitchen interior.

Concluding with,

Are you planning to install custom cultured marble vanity tops  in your kitchen interior? Including other eco-friendly items, you can promote a greener interior design in your place. Well, we hope this article will help you with that.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a skilled stonemason. For years, he’s helped many people find the best custom cultured marble vanity tops for their interiors. Also, he’s written many articles and blog posts on the same.