Physical activity is important at any age. Keeping fit lowers blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. Exercise strengthens bones and helps maintain a healthy weight. Not only that but exercise raises your spirits and helps prevent depression . Exercise keeps you strong and if you are strong, you have better balance and are less likely to fall and hurt yourself. Being active helps prevent diabetes, heart disease , colon cancer and other health conditions.

Regular physical exercise is especially important for San Mateo Home Care assistance. As men and women grow older they are in greater danger of developing chronic illness or arthritis . Exercise help to reduce this risk.

If you have led a sedentary life, remember that it is never too late to change and become more active. Increase your daily activity gradually. As an example, you can start by taking short walks and increase the speed and distance each day. Do not over do it. You should feel pleasantly stimulated, energized and have a positive attitude after your walk or other activity.

Buy and ride an exercise bike. You will not have to leave your own residence in inclement weather.

Join a health club. Ask to work with a trainer for your first visit; most clubs give new members an introductory session. Learn what each machine accomplishes and the proper way to use it. Test the various types of aerobic equipment. Treadmills, stationary bikes, stair climbers and ski machines are usually available at clubs.

Exercise does not have to be complicated. Many San Mateo Live in Care clients have shown that weeding your garden has its benefits, and so does house work.

Join a bowling team, but go easy on the beer. Bowling gives you the additional benefit of friendship and companionship.

Continue with an exercise routine or participation in a sport if you have always been active. You should not tell yourself that you are getting too old. If you have always gone horse-back riding, swimming, skiing or played tennis there is no reason to stop. The exercise will keep you limber and strong and you will have the benefit of being out in the fresh air.

Bad weather need not stop you. Many San Mateo in Home Care clients go to shopping malls in the early morning and walk briskly through them before the shoppers arrive. The activity is called Mall Walking . Local park districts provide indoor swimming pools and tennis courts.

Join a Yoga class, a Pilate’s class or a dance class. Practice between classes, you will improve you new skills and maintain a daily workout.

The important thing is to choose an activity or sport that you like. Fit the activity into your weekly schedule and make it a habit so that you feel something is missing if you do not participate in it. You will find yourself standing straighter and feeling stronger and more confident.

Author's Bio: 

Physical activity is important at any age. When we age we should pay more attention to our health. We can no longer move as fast and some movements can be too painful. Senior should exercise with the help of a caregiver to make sure all exercises help your senior’s health.