Although economic correspondents and consumer finance professionals are bitterly divided on the specific reasons behind the slow but nevertheless significant withdrawal of Americans from reckless borrowing – a mix of worsening debt relief needs, sharply heightened lending restrictions from the commercial banks, and overall sense of impending market collapse seems the likeliest cause – it’s clear that United States shoppers are at last recognizing the inevitable problems that follow credit card debt abuse . Ever since the 2008 recession, folks have been taking out fewer unsecured lines of credit and spending less upon the balances that already exist. While the overall personal debt levels attached to the average household residing within this country are still nothing short of disgraceful, any sign of consumer discipline should be applauded, and the current usage figures do demonstrate a substantial decline after decades of unbroken acceleration.

“There really has been a turnaround in the way that ordinary Americans seem to view borrowing,” said Marta Jacobs, a credit card debt relief agent and former

Author's Bio: 

Cole Collins is a freelance writer in the field of personal finance with a concentration in consumer debt relief. For Help with debt please visit