Health is a pretty general concept, but much of our information about it works and what works well is continually evolving. In 2012, our information about living longer and being happier is better than before - so it should be no surprise that the average age we live to and standard of living only continues to increase.

In this article, I will outline some relatively new tips in the realm of health, and how you might use them to your benefit.

Sleep better - In order to sleep better, a dark room is a must. The mind can detect even the smallest light, and prevent you from getting good REM sleep. It has also been shown that a colder room can promote a better sleep state, which in turn can make you more productive and happy throughout the day.

Exercise using intervals - Intervals are the state of getting your heart rate up. This is shown to burn fat, which will in turn make you skinnier, healthier, and likely more confident with your state of being.

Do what you love - A person I respect, Paul Graham, recently said the following - “To be happy I think you have to be doing something you not only enjoy, but admire. You have to be able to say, at the end, wow, that’s pretty cool." I agree greatly. If your work is so consumed by work, you must do something you love - not just do something in general.

Drink coffee - Studies show that coffee simply is good for you . It reduces the risks of diabetes, stroke, prostate cancer, and abnormal heart rhythms. You should be drinking it.

Work out your core - Other information actually says that women orgasm during exercise , especially doing core movements. Apparently it can make you feel healthier and also "good" as well!

These are just the start of new (and some information you might already know) data you can utilize to improve your live and health. Be smart, be healthy and continue to look into how to do more of both!

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Navid is a health expert who works for , a health insurance portal for the unemployed and also students. She loves her dog, running and her coffee addiction.