The Challenges to Having a Holiday in Recovery

One of my twitter followers suggested I write about designing a holiday that nourishes our soul. Not a holiday designed to get others approve of us. These are simple powerful words. These words include everything I write and teach in order to have an authentic life for yourself. The holidays are a very special time so why not have them nourish our soul. Remember if we are feeling nourished, we will nourish others. There are many challenges to having a holiday in recovery that actually aids you and your recovery. In this article we will address the possible breakdowns that interfere with all of us having the best holiday. These are some of the breakdowns I have heard from my clients over the years. I apologize if I didn’t address yours-send it to me for next year.

1: Past History
This breakdown is probably the number one concern I have heard over the years. The stories include horrific family fighting, the substance using person out of control, no money, everyone else seems to have a perfect holiday, returning home triggers past horrible treatment- particularly if you were the black sheep of the family , being shamed for who you are-your gift, for starters.

2: Loss of Loved One
The holidays can be a particularly difficult time if you have recently or not so recently lost a family member, friend, partner, or someone you loved. The first year after someone has passed can be the most difficult because you are going through all the firsts-birthday, anniversary, holidays, Sundays (often a day to make a call to home), Father’s/Mother’s Day, etc. If this is your first holiday season after a loss, it can be particularly difficult, and it is best if you have a plan.

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Author's Bio: 

Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RN of Sausalito, California, formerly from Aspen, Colorado is a psychotherapist, speaker, coach, and the author of Backbone Power: The Science of Saying No. For over twenty years she served as the trusted advocate and advisor to Influential Corporate leaders, Trial Attorneys, Athletes, Leaders, Physicians and their families whose connections extended far beyond Aspen, Colorado.

Twitter: @scienceofno
IG: @annebrown2013
FB: @developingyourbackbone