Learning how to grow wheatgrass at home is a decision that will prove useful to you since cultivating wheatgrass on your own and juicing it to get the most nutrient rich beverage will have a profound impact on your and the health of your family .

As you probably already know, wheatgrass contains a wealth of nutrients in the form of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Particularly, its most potent constituent is a substance called chlorophyll which some refer to as the blood of the plant. It is very similar to the blood protein hemoglobin and our bodies easily transform the chlorophyll into hemoglobin. In that way, chlorophyll is very beneficial to blood count building. But it also has other interesting benefits; such as its strong detoxifying properties and immune system strengthening.

Before we start to learn how to grow wheatgrass at home, we need to acquire some items. Don’t be worried, you probably already have them in your home.You’ll need a flat kind of tray with holes in the bottom, some quality topsoil which can be bought very cheaply, an organic fertilizer so that your wheatgrass grows into a nutrient dense plant, quality berries, a well lit area of your home and a bottle sprinkler.

Now that you have all of these items in check, let’s begin to learn how to grow wheatgrass at home!

The process starts with the proper preparation of the berries. They should be rinsed thoroughly in cold water to remove any impurities then left overnight in a cup filled with water.

While the berries are soaking the water up, you should prepare the tray by lining its bottom with paper to prevent the little roots sticking through the holes of the tray. Now that you’ve done that, add some soil mixed with fertilizer and moistened. Don’t overfill the tray; the soil level should be an inch and a half deep.

When the berries have been soaked for eight to ten hours, remove them from the water and sprinkle all over the fertilized soil. Now take some soil and lightly cover the berries with it. Moisten the soil some more and use old newspapers to cover the tray and leave it like that for a day.

Next day take of the papers and moisten the soil again and cover with newspapers. Repeat this process until little green leaves start emerging from the topsoil, and then remove the papers for good. This prevents the birds from munching your berries as well as blocks sunlight since the germination process doesn’t require sunlight and it can even harm the berries.

The final stage in learning how to grow wheatgrass at home is the proper watering technique. Use the bottle sprinkler to water the wheatgrass. Too much water will enable the growth of molds and you don’t want that. Just use the sprinkler twice a day and you’ll be fine.

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To get the most out of your wheatgrass juice, I suggest you visit this Omega Vert review page for a detailed review of one of the best juicers on the market.