Having skin tags is no longer new to many of us, and many times we have contemplated and wondered about how to get rid of them. Skin Tags are small flaps of skin that hang off the skin by some connecting stalk and are not dangerous. If you are wondering about the safest and easiest way to get rid of these skin tags, then you should think about approaching your dermatologist or even your family doctor. There is no danger in skin tags. Skin tag removal is, however, contemplated in cases where the skin tags cause a lot of pain or irritation, such as when they grown around the neck or other sensitive parts of the body. There are skin tags that are classified as being cancerous. These are the types of skin tags that should most definitely be removed. A doctor can inspect the skin tag, select the best method for removing it and then follow up to ensure there is no infection.

Skin tags can also be blamed on the spikes and drastic increases in one's hormone levels. Pregnant women manifest skin tags often. There is a fear going around that skin tag removal could actually trigger a proliferation of the growths in the future. But a seeding effect is not something you should worry about. This phenomenon involves many more skin tags replacing one or two that has been removed. This occurs sometimes with warts if not treated correctly when the Human Papilloma Virus is allowed to spread to other locations.

Weight gain could also induce skin tag growth, especially among women. It is not advisable to attempt to remove skin tags by yourself. Unsafe removal of a skin tag can lead to scarring and infection. Infections do not really bode well, especially if you are wondering what could happen in the future. It would be better to go to a dermatologist, since he or she is knowledgeable about many ways of removing skin tags.

Removing Skin Tags by freezing is one option. Freezing agents are used by dermatologists directly on the area where the skin tags grow from. You wouldn't have to worry too much about bleeding or pain if freezing is the option chosen. A scalpel or a pair of scissors will then be used to cut off the frozen skin tag.

A dermatologist may also elect to remove skin tags by simply cutting them with a scissors or a scalpel. But do this only when the skin tags are growing in a part of the body that is not sensitive. But heed the warning: do not attempt to remove them yourself and run the risk of infections. Finally, a dermatologist may choose to remove a skin tag by using electro-surgery, a method where the tag is burned off using electricity.

Go to a doctor and have these skin tag removal methods done by him, just to be on the safe side. But you should know that you may have to suffer through some skin discoloration or scarring after the procedure has been done. The best way to handle this would be to talk to your doctor. Let him know your concerns about possible scars and discoloration. It is possible that he or she is aware of some effective medications that could help you get rid of those problems.

Getting rid of skin tags that grow around the eyes should not be taken lightly. You should most definitely consult with your dermatologist. If the skin tags suddenly turn purple or, worse, black, you should immediately go to your dermatologist.

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In order to find out further regarding skin care products take a look at http://www.amazon.com/Extra-Strength-Dermatend-Mole-Removal/dp/B0010AZ3TM/ Dermatend , which is a well established product for mole, wart and skin tag removal.