When you are putting together your band, it is absolutely essential that you find musicians who are as dedicated and passionate as you are. Unfortunately, most musicians are NOT ready to be successful in music. It is common for many bands to have a hard time finding the right band members (even 'big name' bands). Despite this, there are many musicians who also have what it takes. Here are some tips to help you succeed in your gang:
Rule No. 1: If you are in the company of band members who have a true success mindset, there are no limits to what you can achieve.
Rule No. 2: If your band is full of musicians who do not have a strong commitment to a successful music career, then it is highly unlikely that they will achieve anything significant in the music industry.
Rule No. 3: It is very common for potential gang members to 'talk big', but not really follow through on what they say. Every musician wants to be very successful in music, but very few musicians will really make the effort to succeed. You will meet these types of people frequently. People like this will want to join your gang, but will not be able to help you in the long term (they will only delay your progress). Stay away from these types of musicians at all costs.
Rule No. 4: To build your band's success, you will need to constantly strive (this applies even once you have started to "achieve" it). If your band only contains a couple of people who do all the work, the amount of work will simply be too much to handle on their own. As a result, the band will probably not achieve significant success. Once you start noticing that the other musicians in your band aren't making much of an effort to help the band, mention this. Tell them they only have one chance to change their ways. If later you notice that they have made no effort to change things, remove them from the band. These people will only drag your band down.
Pat O'Bryan once said:
"You'd be amazed at how many musicians and artists are waiting for the opportunity to knock on your door while just following what all the other musicians and artists are doing."
"Losers in a losing cycle, perpetuated by following other losers. It is not a great plan, but it is by far the most popular." https://open.spotify.com/artist/6DRQK0fED4VW9JJkuQL68Y?si=UY5XyOhWRPKUK-...
Rule No. 5: Some musicians are excellent members of the band from a purely musical point of view. However, it is a very common situation for talented musicians to actually prevent their band from progressing in music. This is because talented musicians (like any musician) may still be the 'wrong' people for your band. If you want to be highly successful with your band, you will need to focus on the broader scope of where the band is headed. This means that if someone is the wrong person for your band, you should let them go (even if they can "play" great).
Rule No. 6: Finding the right gang members can sometimes seem like an impossible task. However, remember that the most dedicated musicians are also looking for you at the same time that you are looking for it. These people are also going through the same difficulties as you and share the same desire to play in a successful band as you.
Rule No. 7: Many people make the mistake of not considering recruiting musicians who play in bands that have already achieved great success in the music business. The fact is that there are many musicians who play in these types of bands that are not satisfied with the efforts of the other members. Also, it is very common for successful bands to be looking for the right members to replace their current musicians who are not working.
Think of everything you can do once you have found the right musicians for your band. This means being surrounded by musicians who not only "talk big", but "do big". These are people who are highly motivated and work hard continuously to progress in their music careers. Once you have these people on your side, you will become a totally unstoppable force!
This will help you determine the type of musician or musicians you would like to play at your ceremony.