Having children is the responsibility and obligation. But with the development of society, there are many physiological problems in both men and women. If these physiological problems are not solved in time, it may lead to infertility. For men, epididymitis is one of the main diseases that cause male infertility. What is epididymitis? How does epididymitis cause male infertility, and how to treat it?

Epididymitis is a common disease in young adults. When the body's resistance is low, pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus will sneak into the vas deferens and invade the epididymis retrogradely, causing inflammation. Therefore, the disease will lead to urethritis, prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, and other conditions.

It is mainly caused by not doing a good job of personal hygiene or sharing hygiene products with other people. There are problems of excessive foreskin, phimosis, an infection caused by attacking the male epididymis through the urethra, and infection caused by unclean sexual life.

How does epididymitis cause male infertility?

Epididymitis may lead to the destruction of the microenvironment of sperm maturation, the dysfunction of epididymal secretion of important biochemical substances such as glycosidase, the increase of reactive oxygen species in semen, resulting in the decline of sperm maturity, the destruction of sperm nuclear DNA integrity, and the damage of sperm mitochondrial DNA.

These may lead to decreased sperm motility and increased sperm deformity rates, affecting reproductive function.

How to treat male infertility caused by epididymitis?

Antibacterial drugs are generally selected for acute epididymitis. Men should choose drugs that are sensitive to bacteria, usually 1 to 2 weeks after intravenous administration, and then oral antibiotics for 2 to 4 weeks to prevent chronic inflammation.

Chronic epididymitis simply using drugs, the effect is not necessarily ideal. In addition to effective broad-spectrum antibiotics, physical therapy such as local heat is also necessary. Local treatment of epididymis with berberine or neomycin plasma can also be applied.

If there is chronic prostatitis, it must be treated simultaneously. For noth chronic epididymitis and prostatitis, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill helps to heal the capillary and improve its permeability and promotes the cleaning of inflamed secretions. It works to regulate the general function of male reproductive system, and prevent the recurrence of hematospermia radically.

If drug treatments are ineffective and testicular ischemia is suspected, the epididymis should be cut, and the visceral layer of the epididymis should be cut longitudinally or horizontally, but not into the epididymal canal.

In short, when a male has symptoms of epididymitis, first of all, don't panic and seek help from relevant experts in time. I believe that with the help of experts, epididymitis can be relieved, and infertility can be solved.

At the same time, pay attention to the details of life, maintain personal hygiene, and avoid bacterial and viral infections. Also, pay attention to the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases because prostatitis is also the leading cause of epididymitis. Reduce the frequency of sex, reduce the chance of infection, avoid prolonged sitting, and drink plenty of fluids. Diet to avoid eating some high cholesterol foods, eat less spicy food.

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