At times, it becomes tough to understand which type of stand to choose for any event or exhibition. The stand does play an important role to promote your brand among visitors coming to the event. It also lets others to know about your business existence and the products/services you are offering. It also a wonderful platform to launch your new products as well as impress potential customers who are likely to resort to word-of-mouth promotion!

Being flexible

When it comes to creating an exhibition stand, you need to be innovative in your efforts. Experiment and find out what works best for your business. The stand created should be stylish, trendy, easy to view from a distance, easily installed, and allow enough space to display products. It also needs to be attractive enough to pull visitors towards it and stand out amongst the crowd of competitor stalls. Basically, it should serve the purpose.

Key things to consider

When selecting a stand for an exhibition, you need to take into consideration several aspects. There are available standard stands in the market that just needs to be purchased, installed and used. But what if your business belongs to a highly competitive segment? A standard one will not help you to be ahead of competition and attract the kind of visitors that you aim to. What if your competitor goes a step ahead and beats you in the game?

What constitutes a good stand design?

You need to have a clear understanding of what makes a good and functional stand design that will help you achieve your set objectives. If you lack ideas or are a first-timer, then why waste time when you can contact immediately the industry experts. Find a reliable exhibition stand fabricator who has previously provided assistance to companies similar to yours. They also should be known for providing the perfect solution well within your set budget.

Know the factors

High quality printing: Your exhibition stand’s printing finish is essential to ensure providing that good first-impression upon your visitors. Remember, shoddy print quality is likely to make your display feel and look unprofessional and cheap. A superior print quality is sure make your stand appear polished, thus attracting more visitors. The professional stand fabricators should ensure that they undertake rigorous checks to ensure proper image placement and print resolution before printing. They should minutely check every detail concerning the branding or logo to ensure high quality print design.

Innovative design: If the area to exhibit is small, then innovative and eye-catchy design will not be able to stand out amongst other displays. In case there are numerous products on display, understanding the stand style that will suit your brand will be a tough task. It will be useful to seek professional assistance. You may even consider 3d exhibition stand design that will leave a magical first-impression upon your visitors.

Lighting: Whatever be the stand style that you choose for an exhibition or event, intelligent lighting does make a huge difference. At events, choose powerful overhead lighting. It need not necessarily hit your displays at perfect places or be kept above the stand. Based on chosen display style, it is possible to mask overhead lighting by shell or framing scheme setups. Without additional lighting, trade show stands of smaller proportions are likely to appear gloomy or dark. Backlit fabric displays can make your stand to be eye-catchy.

Easy assembly: Complicated stand construction only causes stress. A few simple designs that allows quick set-up includes fabric displays or pop-up stands as they need minimal installation. But if you seek a more comprehensive or larger stand design without having to bother about construction or transportation, then exhibition stand hire is a better choice. Find a stand provider who will take care of the construction and transport factor. This means, your staff will have only need to focus on the event and handling visitors.

Accessories: Once the exhibition stand setup and design is completed, the next task it to consider the finishing touches. All accessories to be included to the stand need to be selected with great care during the design phase. This is because it does impact immensely the finished result derived. A few accessory additions are TV Units, Tablet/iPad stands, Pop-Up Counters, Leaflet Dispensers, printed tablecloths, etc.

The right choice

Decisions made after thorough understanding, research and considering the above factors is sure to provide the best results. Thus, you can have a stand that will display your products and ensure visitors are satisfied with your presentation.

Author's Bio: 

Panache Exhibition Pvt. Ltd. is a world-class exhibition stall designing company, offering complete range of exhibition design solutions in India and European countries, having our own manufacturing units in National Capital Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai.