What constitutes the perfect football boot means different things to different people. It depends on a lot of factors that are unique to each player. Deciding which one is best for you is easy to do when you focus on the basics.

What Position Do You Play

The football shoe that you purchase should be based, in part, by what position you play. If you are a lineman then you are going to want one with a higher top to give your ankles more support. Whereas if you are the quarterback, defense back, wide receiver or something along those lines you may want to go with a mid-cut shoe. This will give you more flexibility and agility when you are trying to maneuver on the field. You could also go with the lower cut shoes but what you make up for in lightness you lose in ankle support.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cleats

As far as cleats, what you choose depend on what type of field you play on. Those who play on the same type of field can go ahead and purchase the shoes with the permanent molded cleats. If you tend to play on different types of football fields then you will want to go with the shoes that have detachable cleats to give you more control to use what is appropriate. The long cleats are good for the wet, grassy fields for traction. The 1 ” cleats for muddy conditions to dig into the mud and keep you upright. The A” cleats are good for hard, packed ground and you’ll want the small, nubby ones for artificial turf. When your cleats are detachable you can change them out depending on where you are playing

Leather or Synthetic

Some athletes swear by leather shoes. They love the look and feel and wouldn’t wear anything else. And it’s true that they are more flexible than synthetic and they do allow your feet can breathe better. However there are limitations to these types of shoes. It’s not recommended you wear leather shoes on wet or muddy fields as it will ruin the leather. And you will need to care for them as you would any other leather apparel, more so as they get dirty from use. Synthetics are great for any kind of weather and they offer much more support during the games. However, they definitely do not have the same type of flexibility as leather shoes. To make this decision you’ll need to figure out which option has the features that work best with your playing style.

Some Things to Keep In Mind

Whatever options you choose there are a few things that you should remember when purchasing your shoes. First and foremost, they have to be comfortable. You are playing a very active sport and you can’t take time out to adjust your shoes. Also, set a price point that you want to spend and stick to it. But don’t be afraid to set that price point a little high. You want a shoe that’s good quality and will last. And though online shopping has become popular now do not buy online. It’s important to try your shoes on to see how they fit and feel.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Elaine and I'm a self proclaimed "do it yourself addict". I am the mother of the best 11 year old boy ever and my husband's not too shabby either