Occupational therapist is a very lucrative career option these days. If you are considering this as one of your career options, then you need to know how to become occupational therapist. The occupational therapists are knowledgeable professionals who work in healthcare. They are responsible for working with patients who have temporary or permanent disabilities. So, this definitely needs some special training and knowledge. Because these disabilities can make it more difficult to live a normal life, an occupational therapist works as a support system to such patients.

How to Become Occupational Therapist

Being an occupational therapist is one of the most rewarding healthcare careers . If you are aspiring to be an occupational therapist, then you have to consider a lot of things. There are some basic education and training that you must go through to ensure the best result. Also, there are a lot of things that you have to remember while being working in occupational therapy .

Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

The first step towards being an occupational therapist is having a relevant bachelor degree for that. It must be from an accredited institute. It is better to have a specific degree for the occupational therapy, but even a four-year Bachelor’s degree in psychology , biology, kinesiology, health science or sociology is also acceptable. While you are earning your bachelor’s degree, it is also important to focus on the master’s program.

Pursuing a Master’s Degree

Previously, an occupational therapist needed only a Bachelor’s degree to become licensed. But now all states except Colorado mandated that every occupational therapist must have at least a master’s degree to qualify for the license. It is essential for therapists to have a master's degree in occupational therapy. The master’s programs come with classroom learning along with extensive field work in the private home, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, residential centers and clinics.

Crack the NBCOT Examination for License

You have to appear for the NBCOT examination for getting the license of an occupational therapist. The NBCOT stands for National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy. The application fee for this examination is about $500 to $540. You have to take this exam and score the passing mark in order to get a license from the state board. The examination is not at all easy and you have to be very careful with this examination. Once you complete the exam, you have to wait for about 45 days to get the result.

To Summarize

So, this is all about how to become occupational therapist. It is very important for you to know that being an occupational therapist comes with a lot of responsibilities. They are always in high demand and they are often appointed to work in different environments. The two most essential characteristics that the occupational therapist must have are patience and adaptive nature. Compassion is also important when it comes to this job. You have to work with different patients with different disabilities. Being compassionate and patient is utmost important.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Edgar at Phoenix-Pop. Hobbyist and pro-healthy choices, fitness and lifestyle.