Becoming a plates surgeon requires a lot of schooling and a commitment to excellence. If you think about how crucial it is for a surgeon to operate on a patient with complete accuracy, you will begin to understand how serious this job needs to be taken. When reconstructing someone's face and body there is a major responsibility as a surgeon to be an absolute perfectionist. Keeping your clients happy and returning for more will be beneficial to your practice. Plastic surgeons like Dr. Sawan at Sawan Surgical Aesthetics is known to be one of the most successful surgeons in the midwest. Following his lead on patient care is quality advice for any up and coming plastic surgeon.

Considering the cost of cosmetic surgery, it should also be noted that most of your clientele base will be rich and affluent people. If you live in Los Angeles, chances are you will perform surgery on people from the music and film industry. If you live in a state like Oklahoma, chances are most of your clientele will be wealthy locals that have made money in various Oklahoma markets including the oil and gas industry .

Plastic surgery isn't always about the rich, many times plastic surgery is needed to reconstruct the face of a child born with defects, burn victims, and accident victims. At that point, the surgeries are almost heroic and requires compassion and a desire to help.

Now that you understand the diverse group of wealthy people you will be dealing with, let's dive into the process of becoming a successful surgeon . It's obvious you need to complete medical school, but let's get into the details of what that process looks like.

This list of steps is meant to be a reference point for you to gain a better understanding of the hard work required to become a plastic surgeon. There will be other requirements along the way that will need to be completed, but these are the primary requirements to become a plastic surgeon.

  • Bachelor's Degree

Completing your bachelor's degree with a pre-med major will be necessary before moving forward and getting your MD. Pre-Med majors may include chemistry or biology.

  • Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)

You will need to take this test to get into med school. You can prepare for this test by studying and taking an MCAT prep test to better prepare you for the test.

  • Four Years Of Medical School

Find a school that is right for you, getting into a prestigious school of medicine will benefit you during your tenure there and post-graduation. You will need to finish this schooling by completing four years of medical school to earn your MD degree.

  • First Residency Training

Completing your residency will be required for you after completing medical school. The three-year residency requirement runs three years revolves around general surgery.

  • Second Residency Training

For your second residency, you will be required to work in a more specialized field of surgery. Working specifically with a plastic surgeon will be required to continue forward with the degree. This residency also runs three years in length. There are some programs that will combine the 6-year residency into one convenient residency.

  • Know Your Role As A Plastic Surgeon

It will be a great idea to learn everything there is to know about your new occupation. Be sure to study the rules and guidelines provided by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, join local medical groups, national groups, and stay active with ongoing education.

  • Know Your Craft

At this point, you may already know what you want to do. Reconstructive plastic surgery, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and beauty enhancements are just a few of the occupational opportunities you will have. By this point in your education, you probably already know what area of practice you want to be in.

  • ABPS Certification

Complete the certification requirements from the ABPS by taking an exam and conforming to the code of ethics presented by them.

  • Complete Your Fellowship

This isn't 100% necessary to move forward in your career but will be extremely beneficial when trying to hone your skills on a specific craft. Once you have mastered your art, you can begin performing plastic surgeon as a qualified doctor.

At this point, most practicing doctors will open up their own practice and begin building a client base to build their practice. Plastic Surgeons make a ton of money and it's a great career option for anyone looking to become wealthy doing something they absolutely love. From hip replacement to facial reconstruction, there is a medical career for you.

Author's Bio: 

New York Times bestselling author Hamza Fox writes sweet, fun, action-packed mysteries. His characters are clever, and fearless, but in real life, Hamza is afraid of basements, bees, and going upstairs when it is dark behind him. Let’s face it. Hamza wouldn’t last five minutes in one of his books.

Hamza is best known for his Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries and for his Accidental Demon Slayer books.