Nowadays, online dating scam is very common. Among thousands of dating sites, only a few sites offer quality dating and the rest of the sites are used to scam. If you are on those sites or if you want to visit a site for dating then you are at risk. You need to know how to avoid these dating scams before going to these sites.

That is why in this article, I am going to tell you some of the best ways to avoid online dating scam. Before that, you need to know what is online dating scam.

What is online dating scam?

Online dating scam is a scheme made by some frauds and cheaters. There might have some women or they themselves open an account with the name of a woman. They show interest to the partners and ask for the money. Also, they collect some sensitive information or photos to blackmail the partners. Most of the scammers are from Russia, Ukraine or Africa. If you don’t want to lose your money or get emotionally hurt then you should know how to avoid it. You can learn it from here in details: or you can get a basic idea by reading this article.

How to avoid dating scam?

Here are some tips with which you can avoid dating scam.

Use a secondary email and phone numbers The first thing you can do is to use a secondary email and phone number for your account on the dating site. The reason is that your email will be flooded with a lot of scam emails and chances are high that you will click there and fall in their trap. You know prevention is better than cure. In the same way, you should not provide your real phone number to the person you are chatting until you become sure about her identity.

Check the profile Before contacting any woman you should check her profile. There should be all real information and profile picture. You can use Google image search to be sure that the image she has as her profile picture is really her or she has collected it from other sources.

In addition, you should search the name on other social media so that you can find her other social media id. If you do not find any social media id with that name, it is almost sure that the id is fake and you should not continue chatting with that id.

Do not provide any financial information or money Since the main target of the scammers is to get money from you, they will always try to get financial information from you. Also, they will ask for money saying that they are in trouble or they need some money for buying internet or they need money to come and visit you. Never ever provide any money to them.

Verdict If you follow these tips, I am sure you will significantly reduce the chances of being scammed. So, follow the tips and to read more and know more about avoiding the scam, visit the link I have mentioned above. Thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Mohimenul Islam Aman and I am the founder of which is my service company.

I specialize in SEO, branding and offer SEO and GuestPost services to businesses of all sizes around the world. Shoot me a quick email to see how I can help you!

I am completed Bachelor of Social Science (Political Science major) from The Govt. Titumir College (under Dhaka University), Dhaka Bangladesh. I have over 3 years of experience in the SEO field.

Lastly, I like to be surprised and surprise others.
