Generally it is believed that medicines are developed for the treatment of various diseases and health related problems and they are useful in majority of cases. But there can be undesirable side effects of any medicine if used excessively which may include hair related problems. There are some drugs which can boost up hair growth in a very short time but this will affect overall health of the body because a large quantity of nutrition will be absorb by the long hair. Few drugs are found with side effects of changing hair color or texture. All of these are milder form of drug induced hair problems. Although, the most severe case of all is the hair loss due to drugs.

Just like other types of hair loss the drug related hair loss problem can lower down your self esteem greatly and usually people begin to regret themselves for the problem. However, according to experts this type of hair loss is reversible by following any treatment or in many cases when one stops taking the trouble maker drug hair fall stops. There can be many reasons why some drugs cause hair fall problem but basically they start interfering the inner working cycle of the scalp and so disturbs the normal hair augmentation process.

There are mainly two types of hair loss led by certain medications which are telogen effluvium and the other is Anagen effluvium both of these are observed under experimentation by renowned medical teams. One of the most common one of these is Telegen effluvium hair loss type and its symptoms appear typically after 2 to 4 months while taking medication. In this type of hair loss or condition the hair follicles enter too early in to the latent stage called telogen and so they fall out rapidly. The average hair fall of the people who suffer from telogen effluvium is between 100 and 150 locks a day.

On the contrary the anagen effluvium hair loss type happens only between the anagen phase in which hairs vigorously grow affecting the inside cycle of scalp cycle. The main problem it creates is to not letting the matrix cells divide themselves normally and they produce new hair on the scalp. This type of hair loss is rare but quite severe as it clears away hair very soon and even the eye brows, eye lashes and other body hair as well. Anagen effluvium hair loss usually happens within few days after taking medication or after 2 weeks definitely and it is usually found in those people who use chemotherapy medicines.

Hair growth can be achieved if you are suffering from one of the above mentioned drug induced hair loss problems. There are various treatments available to stop any kind of temporary hair loss issue. Mostly people get hopeless when they counter this kind of hair loss as they have never experienced such situation. The best hair loss treatment that works in every condition is the use of oiling for hair. There are various types of oil for hair such as almond oil, mustard oil, olive oil, coconut oil and Jojoba oil.

Jojoba hair oil is one of the top 5 best oils as hair fall solution it is not only gives a new life and shine to your hair but also re-grow hair from bald areas of the scalp.

Author's Bio: 

In Charisma hair oil we have include all magic ingredients of Hair growth oil extract. Hair fall solution have been introduced a lot of companies have launched and have come up with a lot significant product. Charisma Hair Oil is an excellent conditioner for Hair loss treatment