Every where you turn these days you find material about the Law of Attraction . I have read endless articles and books that seem to regurgitate the same information.
When people have tried everything they are told to do in these books to manifest what they want and still fail to do so,they assume that they are not energetically aligned to their goal,or that they are not visualizing enough or correctly or they are not vibrating at a higher vibration as they should to manifest what they want.

So let me tell you this: the Law of Attraction works, in fact it is working right now in your life whether you have chosen to direct it to a specific outcome or not.

But how it really works...well when it comes to that the truth is less glamorous and probably wouldn't have sold as many books . There are several reasons people fail to get the results that are promised in the books. Unlike books that say that all you have to do is order your desire from the universe and it shall deliver.Okay.
It sounds easy enough, but when you place an order on line or in-store for something to buy you need to pay for it, right? Well ordering from the universe works in the same way, however the currency accepted by the universe is your life force or energy. But yet again it' s not that straight forward, because if it were we would all be just manifesting amazing things on the hour.The energy or life force that is your currency to the universe for getting your goals manifest has to be block free.

Just like when you start to build a house, you need to lay good foundations, when you decide to get actively involved in directing specific outcomes with the Law of Attraction , you need to lay the foundations, or "clean house" as I like to call it.IF you get this part right (trust me this is the hardest part)the rest of the process will fall into place.

Imagine you are Sherlock Holmes and you are investigating how your life got to be the way it is now.(Pretty much in the same spirit that Sherlock or any great detective would investigate a crime). Dissect as much of your life as possible. Consider your beliefs, your behaviour, your attitude , how you react in certain situations. Why you like the things you do and dislike the things you do. Once you have brainstormed as much as you can and you have a well developed picture of how you create the results you do, put that information to one side. Now take a new piece of paper and start writing down what you would like out of life that you are not getting. It is important not to get bogged down in judging yourself. Remember you are trying to keep this fun and interesting by pretending you are a detective investigating yourself. As a detective you are after information and not an excuse to feel sorry for yourself because you don't feel you can do anything right. You can throw a pity party for yourself later, now you have work to do.

2.NOW FOR THE CHALLENGEThis part is so important: you've just done a life stock take and you realize that there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be. How do you bridge that gap? Say for example you want to be a size 8 but at the moment you are a size 22 because you just cannot stop eating. What to do? You've tried diets they don't work, you've tried starving yourself, that definitely didn't work. So start by asking yourself questions like: what is my hunger really about? Why do I feel I don't deserve to be healthy and thin? Now the aim is not to get answers at this stage. What you are doing is changing your mental map with how you think and deal with issues. Instead of indulging in negative self talk, whenever you feel tempted to self loathe ask yourself questions.You see, if your mind is used to the same old pointless negative self talk, the minute you do something different, you are bound to invite a new response and the possibility for something amazing to happen. And the most important thing in this step: before you go to bed every night and just as you're about to fall asleep ask your subconscious mind to give you the answers.

3.MAKE IT SO...Now you are ready to start your day with the simple act of affirming your intention. Now this act is so simple and so powerful. You can affirm your intention upon waking up by visualizing how you want your day to go, or by setting the intention of a mood. Setting an intention is simply programming yourself to get the most out of your day, once you start doing it regularly it will become a habit you cannot do without because it sets the tone for your whole day.Try it.

Congratulations you have now laid the ground work to being able to start manifesting, this time you can be assured that the process will run a lot more effortlessly because you have done the work of removing the blocks that would stop you from manifesting.At this stage you can be thinking that you've done a lot of preparation but you don't see any major changes. That's okay, real change starts to happen well before anything manifests outwardly. Just know that something significant is about to happen. So let's try setting a goal or intention to manifest.

Start with something small.Set a goal to manifest something achievable and see what happens. Between the time the goal is set and when it manifests, don't keep checking to see if you're holding a high vibration or that you are aligned.In fact put in your diary(set a date) and then when you remember it look forward to it like you would an event you look forward to attending.Remember the joyful anticipation you have when you think about going on your next holidays? That's the feeling you're going for. And contrary to popular belief you do not have to keep focusing on it every moment of the day, you just have to think about it now and then and feel great anticipation because you're so excited for the day to arrive.It's not necessarily the amount of positive focus you give to the goal, but the quality of the focus.And that always works best when you are not too attached to the outcome that you have to keep thinking about it 24/7.Many Law of attraction books say the more wholeheartedly you believe in your goal manifesting the faster it will come into your life. That's not strictly true, because I can believe wholeheartedly that tomorrow I will be 20kg lighter but believing it wholeheartedly,without a shadow of a doubt will not make it so.If anything it will make you feel stupid, so keep it real and allow some common sense to prevail when it comes to when you want something to manifest in your life.

Yes, you got it, taking action is all important.There's much talk in Law of Attraction books about allowing. Now to me allowing applied correctly is a call to action.It is difficult to allow good in your life if you're not prepared to back it with action to make that good come into your life.For example: If you keep trying to attract a boyfriend and you never leave the house no amount of belief or high vibration you have is going to manifest a boyfriend into your life, not any time soon anyway. You need to move towards your goal by taking action even in the most minimal way. Allowing by taking action is you telling the universe that you are committed to receiving what you have asked for.If you have got this far, I will have no doubt you will be impressed by what you're attracting into your life. However if you are still finding it hard to manifest consider this: either go back to the ground work and cover the work again, or consider that perhaps what you want is not for your highest good. Then just go back to asking yourself questions as to what to do next and before falling asleep ask your subconscious mind you give you the answers.
This process has been tried and tested by the author and few other willing participants and it works.

Books on Law of Attraction work best for those that are primed and have no blocks to receiving what they want.So by doing the groundwork you will find that what you read in the Law of Attraction books works better, however these books fail to mention the most crucial steps because doing the groundwork is not easy and most people want easy solutions to their problems. But in the end it's worth it when you find that manifesting good in your life starts to be something you do more of, more easily!

Author's Bio: 

Luci Santos was born in Mozambique and grew up in South Africa. England has been Luci's home for the better part of 20 years where she started up her business as a Consultative Telemarketing Specialist. Luci studied to become a Life Coach and also volunteers by offering Empowerment Coaching to rape survivors and anyone who has suffered from depression and have had therapy and are now at a stage that they wish to move their lives forward in a more positive way. In addition to that she also runs weekly classes of a unique Bodywork method that Luci has compiled herself and used successfully in her coaching sessions to help people with unexplained body aches and pains and trapped/blocked energy release the trauma held in the body and so allow the body to start the healing journey to wholeness and health.

Luci's passion is life is to help people create better relationships with themselves and so create real change in their lives.She believes that if an individual gets the "foundations" right within themselves then changes they wish to make in their lives will fall into place more easily.