Is it a plane? Is it a star? No, it’s happiness .

Questions surround the quest for happiness almost as much as people question what is up in the sky. The difference oftentimes is that the curious gazers will research and seek answers. How about you?

Are you curious about happiness ?

I sure am curious about happiness (joy), especially since being happy and grateful is my daily quest. My inquiring mind wants to know – How Happiness Happens.

Researchers have found that you cannot compartmentalize happiness; meaning, I am happy at home but not a work. No, no, no. Findings suggest that Happiness Happens when you are congruent with your emotions both at home and at work or anytime there is synchronicity with your divine, true purpose.

Marshall and Kelly Goldsmith commissioned a study on happiness and reported their findings in the December 21, 2009 issue of Business Week. One validating point in the article is that “Those who were more satisfied with life outside of work were the respondents who reported spending more time on activities that produced both happiness and meaning.”

Here are some activities that stimulate happiness:
1. Exercise
2. Lovemaking
3. Challenges
4. Hobbies
5. Volunteering
6. Chores
7. Social or Religious Outings
8. Healthy Relationships
9. Travel

The list is not exhaustive, by any means. What may be a “happy” moment for you may be an experience that means little to others. The point is: doing something – either mentally, spiritually, or socially – produces happiness endorphins which stimulate joy.

You are tasked to find your happiness.

Start at Activity #1 – exercise . A moving body is a stimulated body. Fitness experts say that a mere 15 minutes of movement a day is enough to produce enough endorphins to be purposeful.

Activity #2 – lovemaking causes the coupling effect which activates a “rush” of high emotions and a rush of stimulating feelings of belonging, trust, sharing, harmony.

Moving on, solving challenges – Activity # 3 or Activity #7 – require you to engage mental, spiritual, and social muscle. This is good. Any activity that combines engagement zones is quite healthy for your body, mind, and spirit. The operative measure here is actively “doing” something.

Happiness Happens moment by moment when you are actively in a place of deliberate action, appreciation and intention. Spend time with those you love, get busy, watch less television, and find less to complain and criticize about.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” ~ Frederick Keonig

Be happy. Make happiness happen!

Author's Bio: 

Anita Jefferson is the author of Climb Every Obstacle: Eliminate Your Limits!, a radio talk show host of Anita Answers, and expert speaker on life management. Find answers to your life questions on her blog on WordPress

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