Good customer service is something which can go hand in hand with great sales results. Live chat is used to resolve the problems of your customers speedily by giving them instant responses. Therefore the customers are bound to come back for more good services. The most important factor is timing when it comes to meshing more sales.

Just imposing an offer will never produce any good result, however playing it smart and approaching the client at the right time with the right message is the correct strategy.

Live chat is a good way to improve sales for your company. Offering personalized advice based on the past experience of visitors is a good way to incorporate human touch in your interactions. The chat agents should be aware of your offerings inside-out so that they can be able to advice and give a word of wisdom for particular products to potential customers. However if the customer is already having some experience with your company than you need not go through all the basics.

Another factor to improve sales is approaching your customers at the right moment with a personalized greeting. You can have your chat greetings to trigger when your potential customer is expecting some problems for example you can see he is there at your site for quite some time stuck! You can initiate the chat on your behalf. May be he is having difficulty in locating a particular item at the site or there ca e other issues like processing of the payment etc.

Well with live you can not only enhance sales but even customer’s delight.

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