Angels are messengers from the celestial realms and they bring their messages of joy, peace , comfort, love and Divine guidance to us when we need them most.

Angels can be found everywhere. In some religions they are very highly respected. They are depicted in churches, works of art, landscape features (the Angel of the North), statues, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, stories, films, television programs, and block buster, best- selling books .

We have always debated the role of angels, if they exist, which ones are more important, what they are, what their message is and so on. They have risen in popularity in our culture in the last few decades, and now it is becoming more acceptable to discuss how can they help you rather than if they exist.

We all are born with one guardian angel. We have a variety of others that help us along the way as our needs change but most especially when we are struggling with life in times of grief , conflict, or when life just seems a little too hard. They guide us and protect us, even when we are not aware that they are doing so.

Their mission is to bring peace on earth, and they do this one person at a time. The way that they achieve this is by communicating with us directly, or through people that we meet at the exact time we need to hear their message, or in extreme cases they warn us to be careful or help by averting accidents. There are so many stories when you start to look for them about how someone was just about to die and something happened that saved them right at the last minute. This divine intervention is needed because we all have free will and often do not choose the path that is in our best interest.

We can look back on our lives and with hindsight truly see what the situation ahead of us was offering, when at the time, we were blinkered to the implications of our actions. Have you ever asked yourself "How did I survive that?" Each time that I look back and ponder this question, I have a deep knowing that an angel was protecting me, even when I was not aware of it.

Other ways that they bring peace to earth, is by answering our questions about how to release anger, fear, and grief , and answering questions about our path, our soul purpose, our relationships, our future, and our health. They are often depicted as joyful beings, singing, dancing and praising the Divine with one voice. They bring messages from the Divine about how to free ourselves from the pain and misery that is the human condition. They always promote love- of self, of fellow man and of the planet.

As we release fear, anger, grief and other blocks to our happiness , we are working towards being at peace, and this has a positive effect on those around us and aids global harmony.

There are angels for courage, healing, beautifying thoughts and words, weight loss, romance, financial challenges, writing, public speaking and so on. There are hundreds of thousands of angels waiting to assist us. It is important to remember that they cannot help us unless we ask them to. They are dedicated to helping humans to live more peaceful lives.

You do not need to know their names. If your issue is one where your relationships are always disappointing, ask the relationship angels to communicate with you and tell you what you need to change to start drawing loving relationships into your life. Similarly, if your issue is of a financial nature, call on the finance angels to assist you with a message about what you need to do to be more successfully financially. Often, angels know what the question in our hearts is, even if we cannot verbalise what we want to ask. In this case, "What do my angels want me to know today" can be used.

We do have free will, and so it is completely up to you whether or not you act on the advice that is given. The messages are always loving, and they always guide us from a higher perspective.

Angels can assist us in all areas of our lives, and it is probable that they already do in a variety of ways. We need to find our own way of communicating with them, and then ask for assistance in areas where we are blocked, or keep repeating unconscious patterns, or would like life to improve in some way. They are always available and willing to help and pleased when they can help us to improve our lives and find peace and joy.

Written by Caroline Nettle.

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Author's Bio: 

Caroline Nettle is passionate about healing, recovery, and assisting others to grow. Her website Spiritual Growth Tools is the culmination of many years of seeking healing for herself, and studying the human condition. She writes articles, is a healer and gives talks about subjects relating to spiritual growth and personal development.

If you are interested in finding out more about how an Angel Reading could benefit you, go to Angel Readings for more information.

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