It is but natural for a person to want to look good, to have a body shape that does not make you wince when you face the mirror and one that allows you to wear clothes that you want. The thing is, not everybody does the healthy way of achieving a good body shape – having a healthy diet and exercising regularly. There are those who end up having eating disorders such as anorexia.

Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder which is characterized by out-of-control dieting and the obsessive fear of gaining weight. Anorexia is also coupled by having a disfigured self-image wherein you have cognitive prejudices that affects how you think about yourself, your body and the way you eat. Anorexia usually starts with dieting to shed off the extra pounds that you have. Eventually, the weight loss will become a sign that you can have control and mastery. Restrictive eating will then get worse and accompanied by exercising excessively and for some, the use of diet pills or laxatives. The desire to get thinner and to lose weight becomes an obsession, or anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia is not easily diagnosed since anyone who is suffering from this disorder constantly hides these habits. Anorexia symptoms include being on a diet even if you are already thin, being obsessed with fats, calories and nutrition , being preoccupied with food, pretending that you have already eaten and having strange food rituals such as the refusal to eat when there are other people who are around. Anorexia will also show manifestations with regard to appearance and body image. Some noticeable anorexia signs are losing weight dramatically, being harsh when criticizing how you look, denying that you are already too thin, obsession with body weight and size and feeling fat even if you are already underweight. Purging can also be done by an anorexic person, including the use of diet pills, diuretics and laxatives.

When anorexia nervosa is not managed, it can lead to several effects. Because of the lack of nutrients and calories that are needed by the body, it will begin to consume itself which can lead to several health problems. Some of these are bloating and constipation, tooth decay, having headaches, dizziness and fainting, having brittle nails coupled by dry and yellowish skin and being easily fatigued. You can also have depression , mood swings, poor memory and slowed thinking.

To avoid these problems, getting help for anorexia is very important. As what was mentioned, people with anorexia are likely to deny that they have a problem so the first thing that you have to do is to admit that you indeed have a problem. Talk to someone and ask for advice about what you can do and how you can manage anorexia. If you do not feel comfortable about talking about your problem with your family or friends, then talk to a counselor. There are professionals who can offer you expert advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and how you can avoid the things that lead you to being obsessed with your weight again. This can take a long time but what is important is for you to seek help as early as you can.

Anorexia is not a simple problem, but a disorder that needs to be treated in the soonest possible time. When you are having anorexia symptoms or you know someone who has them, better get help immediately to avoid complications.

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For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Anorexia Symptoms and Anxiety Disorder Symptoms .