A couple’s relationship will often encounter peaks and valleys with good times and bad. For months or perhaps even years, everything may be going quite well, where both partners experience contentment and the other benefits that exist within a committed, long-term relationship.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the seeds of discontent and dissatisfaction set in, and grows over time. The couple could experience a life-altering catalyst like, infidelity , loss of a parent, job redundancy, or any variety of stressors that place the relationship in jeopardy. Resentment builds and conflict arises like a volcanic eruption. When this happens, one or both people typically feel varying degrees of frustration, disconnection, sadness, jealousy, anger, helplessness, apathy, or any number of emotions.

Often, no matter what the cause of the strife, couples are not able to see the bigger picture. In fact, both parties can easily become solidly entrenched in their own perspective, beliefs and emotions. This makes it extremely challenging to understand and resolve the relationship issues so they can get the relationship back on track.

In these cases, couples can benefit from engaging a professional couples relationship coach, who has the training, skills, experience and proven processes for success that the couple wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

A Certified Couples Coach can provide the safe environment and framework for emotional healing and re-bonding of the couple. To do this, however, a coach needs training to understand the multiple challenges couples face today, and then be able to initiate a series of situational processes, tools and exercises aimed at raising the couple's level of awareness of their individual thoughts, feelings and behaviors that can undermine the relationship.

So, what’s involved in coaching couples?

A fully trained and qualified Couples Coach will grasp how to spark change by implementing a holistic approach to coaching couples -- one that integrates past, present and future and helps the couple shift their thinking and behaviors. This type of coach approach allows each partner to focus on their desired outcome, individually, and as a couple, while accepting full accountability for their unique “part” in the relationship. This approach also undermines and eliminates the “victim” mentality that so often alienates partners from each other.

However, just as there are different stages of a relationship, there are also separate strategies for coaching couples, depending on what phase of the journey they happen to be on. A trained couples coach will have a set of specific processes and tools for each type of couple they are working with, and their presenting challenges.

In the premarital stage, for example, a couple may often need help with preparing for married life, with anything from wedding planning, to prenuptial considerations, all the way through to the transition into married life.

Working with couples who are dealing with infidelity requires a different approach and set of processes.

As a trained and Certified Couples Coach, you need to develop a toolkit of coaching techniques and strategies to use when working with one or both parties, so you are fully equipped to support couples who are dealing with a variety of issues and circumstances.

There is very little doubt that helping two people recover from a strained relationship, revitalize their love and passion and renew their commitment to each other can truly be a rewarding experience for a coach. There is also very little doubt that coaching couples will probably be one of the greatest challenges you’ll ever encounter in your career, yet it will most likely be one of the most fulfilling. After all, you’ll have the awesome privilege of bringing two connected individuals into alignment and moving them toward a successful, happy relationship. In addition, in the end, you’ll have the opportunity to witness with your own eyes twice as many benefits!

For more information on Impact Coaching Academy and becoming a Trained and Certified Couples Coach, please visit our website here .

Author's Bio: 

Frankie Doiron is the Founder and CEO of Impact Coaching Academy. She has been a leader in the coaching industry for over 10 years. She understands the needs of those people interested in training to be a coach, as well as coaches who are new or experienced in the profession. She has the expertise and desire needed to identify solutions designed to help coaches achieve the success they want and deserve. For more information, please visit Impact Coaching Academy's website.