Jetlag, medically known as desynchronosis, is a sleep disorder that is caused by the disruption in your circadian rhythm or internal body clock. This condition is usually temporary and can occur to anyone who travels across different time zones. It has been pointed out in some studies that cabin pressure changes can also contribute to jetlag. The main symptoms of jetlag can include headache, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, inability to concentrate, confusion, daytime tiredness, soreness in muscles, malaise or a general feeling of illness, and sleep problems, such as insomnia, early awakening, and too much sleepiness. It may also affect menstrual cycle in women.

Jetlag is not a serious health condition, but can definitely ruin your vacation or business trip. However, the signs and symptoms of jetlag can be reduced with the help of certain home remedies for jetlag. Ensure you get adequate rest and sleep before your trip, as being tired can make you more sensitive to jetlag. Dehydration can also worsen the symptoms of jetlag and so you need to make sure to imbibe plenty of water and other non-alcoholic drinks before and while flying. You should also drink lots of water and other fluids after the flight. One of the best ways to avoid the symptoms of jetlag is to sleep on the flight if it is night at your destination and stay awake if it is morning time.

Stretching exercises are supposed to be good home remedies for jetlag. Make an effort to do some walking before your board your flight. Also, do some small stretching and twisting exercises while sitting on your seat. Sunlight therapy is another simple and effective natural remedy for this condition. Once you reach your destination, try to expose yourself to sunlight for at least half an hour. An Epsom salt bath can help you deal with your jetlag. Add four tablespoons of Epson salt to a bathtub full of warm water and soak yourself in it for about 30 minutes. Garlic is one of the good home remedies for jetlag. Add one crushed garlic clove to a mixture of one cup of milk and a half cup of water and boil it till it is reduced to one cup. Drink this mixture at bedtime for two or three days before your fight. Also, take it the night after your trip.

You can use Siberian Ginseng as a home remedy for jetlag. It has the potential to stimulate your immune system and increase your stamina. This herb also helps the body clock to adjust with the new time zone and alleviates the stress caused by jet lag. However, Siberian Ginseng can produce certain side effects, including skin hives, elevated blood sugar levels, pain in the chest, and restlessness Ginger extract is another one among the home remedies for jet lag. A great way to reduce the symptoms of jet lag is to inhale the aroma of peppermint essential oil. Take a tiny amount of sesame oil and apply it on your scalp and on the soles of your feet to relieve the jetlag.

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Read more Home Remedies for Jetlag . Also know useful Home Remedies for Jaw Pain .