h2>Home Remedies For Asthma Cough That Works

Anyone who has suffered from asthma knows how painful it is and the very thought of it makes one nervous. There cannot be anything more painful than an asthma attack, and the sufferer feels that the entire world has become black.

Asthma is usually accompanied by coughing due to mucus formation in the lungs and respiratory track. Persistence coughing also leads to mucus formation and unlike regular cough; it is very difficult to get rid of asthmatic cough. There are however, some home remedies for asthma cough, which will give you instant relief from the pain and discomfort of the same. Top medical experts have approved these remedies since they are without any side effects and gives long lasting results.

Natural remedy asthma cough

Here are some natural remedies for asthma cough


Arsenicum is found in the metal arsenic and available in many vegetables and animal products. It is very good in treating the asthma attack that worsens at midnight and is accompanied by persistent coughing. As a result, the patient faces intense difficulty in breathing followed by a frothy appearance in the mouth.

Garlic and milk

One of the best home remedies for asthma is to boil a few cloves of garlic in milk and let it stand for some time. Drink it before going to bed and the intensity of asthma attack will reduce along with the persistence coughing. When one has asthma it is usually recommended to him that he must not have milk but drinking milk in the above form will provide relief from asthma cough.

Honey and cinnamon

Honey is an excellent natural remedy for cold and cough and good natural remedy asthma. Mix ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon in one teaspoon of honey and have it every day in the morning. Make sure that you do not have anything after that except a glass of warm water. In due course of time, you will feel that your asthma intensity has decreased and the coughing has reduced.


Take a ripe banana and heat it slowly over a flame. Keep it for five to ten minutes and then mash it. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over it and have it. It is an instant remedy for an acute asthma attack.

These natural remedies for asthma are very good and shows result in a few weeks. One must follow these remedies religiously so that the result is fast and effective.

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